Bandame: End Of Green
Title: Dead End Dreaming
Genre: goth rock
Release date: August 2005
Record company/label: Silverdust Records
The band End of Green originally started out in 1992 when some of the members started a rock band. After a few demos and line-up changes their music had become much more original, gloomier, heavier and atmospheric. They created the term Depressed Subcore and after another demo entitled 'Seasons' their debut 'Infinity' (1996) was released. In 1998 they released the album 'Believe my friend' and they became very well known in the German scene. A fifth member, Michael Setzer (guitar), joined the band and soon the album 'Last Night On Earth' (2003) was brought out: a commercial success and not only in their home country Germany. Now the new record 'Dead End Dreaming' is out, a real dynamic album produced by Alexander Krull (Atrocity, Leaves Eyes).
The band End of Green originally started out in 1992 when some of the members started a rock band. After a few demos and line-up changes their music had become much more original, gloomier, heavier and atmospheric. They created the term and after another demo entitled 'Seasons' their debut 'Infinity' (1996) was released. In 1998 they released the album 'Believe my friend' and they became very well known in the German scene. A fifth member, Michael Setzer (guitar), joined the band and soon the album 'Last Night On Earth' (2003) was brought out: a commercial success and not only in their home country Germany. Now the new record 'Dead End Dreaming' is out, a real dynamic album produced by Alexander Krull (Atrocity, Leaves Eyes).
Michelle Darkness - Vocals/Guitar
Rainer Hampel - Bass
Olive Merkle - Guitar
Michael Typesetter - Guitar
Matthias Siffermann - Drums
Song Review
01. No Coming Home - 4:17
Catchy guitars with a melancholic voice which reminds of Type O Negative. The autumn sets in so, there is enough reason the listen to a dark album. This song is a real eye-opener: the mix between the dark voice of Michelle and the heavy riffs almost create a happy atmosphere, but then there are the lyrics. It seems this band lives their live like a rollercoaster and enjoy every part of their life. the result is this emotional album. The song grows to a more agressive sound. Michelle is the real trademark of this band. Sometimes his torment reminds the listener of AFI, so there are also some punk influences.
02. Dead End Hero - 3:30
A song with a startling beat. Again a raw rock sound with some melancholic vocals. Some chaotic guitar and drum lines. End of Green has a typical sound: it is not perfect; like the German accent of the singer, but that keeps the underground feeling alive. Something that fits them very well. They mix rock with doom and gothic influences. Even Paradise Lost features in their sound. So there is no danger that they are imitating with their explosive sound. This song shows that they know how to write a good song and keep it simple. lyrics are stong and they dare to be experimental. A real compact, catchy and a good hit song.
03. Speed My Drug - 4:07
Dead sharp lines, the surreal guitar and a big contrast with the pain Michelle shows. The dark feelings come straight from his hart, but there is also a more positive feeling in this song: energy and their feeling of melody which makes every song dynamic. It is also a bit more safe and reminds me of Him. This band need to grow a bit more, altough this is their fifth album. Maybe that feeling comes from the question how this bands wants to sound. On the other hand all those mixtures make it interesting and powerfull.
04. Cure My Pain - 5:46
The melancholic feeling is back and with a lot of itensity. the heavy rock sound of the guitars have more diligance and Michelle's voice is more dynamic from low to high parts: it all reflects his pain. Altough it is melancholic the song doesn't make me sad. Underneath there is a strong powerfull base in their sound. It grabs you no mather what and it doesn't matter if you like it our not, they blow you away.
05. Weakness - 4:11
The dark doomy voice is very suitable for this song with his dry guitar riffs and the heavy drum beat. It is good to hear that they are growing: all the members know how to controle their instrument and create a simple directly song. The theme returns and this time the drums are very technical and bring it all to an higher level. There is no glamour in their lives and with devotion they makes this pain the muse of their sound.
06. Sad Song - 5:02
Slowly mid tempo guitars, the doomy voice of Michelle: a dry mix that reminds me of smokey pubs and an underground band in the background. It is clear that Michelle's pain hasn't gone yet, but luckely there are backing vocals that bring a lighter accent to the song. There is more contrast between the themes and it in comparison with the other songs it is really down to earth.
07. So Many Voices - 3:42
A rock beat; surreal like a nightmare, Michelle is hearing voices in his head. He is searching for contrasts between the vocal parts and the melody lines. It is agressive, but with an sensible sub level. Not one of the strongest songs of the record, but not really bad either. Their typical sound saves them again, altough Michelles voice can get boring after a while. You really have to be in the mood for these songs.
08. Sick One - 4:53
Dry drums, light arrangements with violins and all mixed with a catchy guitar sound. It is a bit progressive, the chorus is catchy and stirring. Michelle shows his stongest side with the diversity in his voice: deep, low and straight ahead.
09. She's Wild - 4:57
A simple strong melody that shows the chemistry between the five members. The production in general is perfect and well balanced. The unassuming guitar lines serve the song very well. Somewhere there is a bit Sentenced to discover and it seems that Michelle also has a rougher side to his voice. It is amazing to hear the diversity in his vocals. Not a cliché ballad, but a real painfull song.
10. Drink Myself To Sleep - 5:22
Also one of the strongest songs on the record. A heavy rock sound, straight in your face and with a dynamic feeling. There is a risc this band drowns in their own feelings and mixtures, but with this song they prove again that they create a good balance. The song can breath and has an open structure, so there is more space for the bass lines and guitar parts. Michelle is more in the background, but when he comes in there is the melancholic, agressive and painfull voice again. Self secure the band builds up the song with acoustic guitars and minimalism: a good example for all those over-produced German bands. There is soul in this song and the demons are still hunting, but Michelle's talent is to handle them. How beautiful can pain be.
11. All About Nothing - 6:40
With a Dickens kind of title the band ends this record. Soft guitar lines, a simple drum sound and the melancholic feeling: a good recepy for melancholic song. It creates the time to think about this record. It definitly need its time, but it is for sure that this band can beak out of the underground scene. With this last sentimental song they convince me.
Cover picture

Technical Summary
Total playing time: 52:31
Total songs: 11
Someone who knows End Of Green knows that they are not easy. You can't say that they play some easy listening music. For the fans this fith album is the pearl of their career. Defintly there is the energy, emotion and diversity you want to hear from End Of Green. For those who are looking for a new sound in their cd collection I can recommend this album. It is the ideal mix between rock and gothic. The strongest point and at the same time the weakness is the voice of Michelle. You have to give it time to get used to the painfull and melancholic voice. He is really talented, but the German accent can irritate a bit. For sure they have their own sound which can grow more in the future. With this record they proved to be a very professional and dynamic band.
Music 7
Sound 7
Extra’s -
Total 7 (7,0)