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Burgnächte, Roßlau, Germany
22nd – 24th September 2006
Burgnächte Day 2: Reptyle, Splinter, Coinside, Age of Heaven, Funhouse, Stendal Blast, The Invincible Spirit, Inkubus Sukkubus, Zeraphine

The second day began with wonderful warm sunlight. Roßlau is set near to Dessau, which is known for the “Bauhaus” area in architecture. Dessau is a nice town. With its mixture of the little towns atmosphere and the morbid charm of not less empty and old houses it is worth a trip itself. We arrived at the castle when the first stalls were just opening and the musicians were still doing the sound-check. It was already dark when we arrived at the evening before so we just looked around the festival area. The camping ground was bigger than the last year, but there were less market stalls and the variety of food was also smaller.

The “Burgnächte” aren’t only a music festival; there are also short films during the whole day, different exhibitions and readings. Because one artist got sick shortly before the festival there were only two exhibitions. Under the name “Incestum” ( a young artist from
Leipzig showed his work with steel and other dead components. In another gallery, Jörg Gründler ( presented some of his special photos. They looked like old paintings and were really impressive. Unfortunately the room was a little bit too big for the photos and so they lost some of their effects. 


The German band was founded in 1999 and after some demos they released their debut album “A high and lonely place” in 2004. The new album “Consequence” is announced for the late 2006. They took part in some successful compilations like “New Dark Age Vol. 4”. The band is set with Zulu (vocals), Keule (guitars), Slash (guitars), Moci (bass) and Kufi (keyboard).

They are playing in a classic rock band setting and their idols and influences are obviously shown. In the tradition of Fields of the Nephilim or the early The Sisters of Mercy they are presenting straight Gothic Rock. Zulu sang with a very deep, but clear voice. Especially the melodic and energetic guitar parts kept in our mind. Although there were some powerful drum-lines heard, there was no drum-player on stage. Some of the bass-parts (i.e. “Just like you”) reminded us of “The Cure”.

They played first this day and there weren’t already many people in front of the stage. The sun was shining bright. Their audition was the perfect begin for this day. We haven’t heard them before, but they were presenting that kind of underground music this festival is standing for. Slash (guitar) looked a little bit similar to the guitar-player of The 69Eyes. He even had a cigarette hanging in his mouth all the time.

Music 7
Performance 6
Light –
Sound 6
Total 6.5


The German band is set as Ben Ivory (vocals), Michar (bass), Chris (drums), Oliver (guitar) and Amadeus (keyboard). There is no information about the foundation of the band, but the members were already making music with Thanatero” or Scroon. There new CD “The sound of revelation” is announced for 2007.

Their sound is hard to describe. There are similarities to Placebo, not only because of the look of the singer. On the other side there are these rocking guitars and deep bass-lines. It’s melodic and rocking, but also a kind of Pop and angry. Ben sang sometimes very high and then he changed into deeper parts and even some little grunts, which didn’t fit to him.

They had technical problems right from the beginning. Ben introduced them as “the new hope for Germany”. Michar and Oliver tried to make the best of the weird technical situation, but they seemed to be angry. Singer Ben was looking really androgyny and interesting. He was dressed very elegant.

Music 5
Performance 5
Light –
Sound 4
Total 4.8


The German project was founded in 1993 by Sven Bussler as an instrumental project. In 1995, Torsten Bressert joined the band and so they got a voice. When Veit Beck joined them in 1997 they had a whole line-up. They released their first album “Negator” in 1999 and the last one “Elf” in 2003. Now they are working on special material for a limited release.

So, what can we say about them? They are announced as a Neo-Folk and Ritual Noise band, but all we heard were very bad and simple PC-melodies. All songs sound the same and the lyrics were incredible. The vocals were so bad, we wished he would use a distortion, but he didn’t.

They were only with two members on stage. The keyboard-player was nearly more moving than the singer. The climax was the performance for “Hexenhammer”, which reminded me of Kirlian Camera or Cenobita. This was the worst performance we had ever seen! There were some dancers in front of the stage, but nearly all of them wore Coinside –Fanclub – Shirts.

Music 1
Performance 0
Light –
Sound 4
Total 1.2

Age of Heaven

The band was formed in 1991 in Leipzig, Germany. In 1992 they were the opener of the first Wave Gotik Treffen. They released their debut album “Armageddon” in 1994. After several concerts and problems some members left the band and they made a break in 1997. In June 2005 the band was re-founded. Since then they are working on new material. At the moment the band is set with Jens-Uwe (vocals), Torsten (guitars), Yvonne (keyboards) and André (bass).

What a nice change after Coinside. This was again that kind of old-school Gothic Rock we like. They played mostly old songs and so there were these wonderful old bass- and guitar-lines, which could also have been played by The Sisters of Mercy or The Mission. Especially the songs “The providence” and “Black dust” were impressive. Unfortunately there was no drum on stage, although it was heard in all songs. It’s good to see that there are still bands with the tradition and sound of the early years.

We were surprised seeing one of the keyboard-players of Clan of Xymox again on stage. Later we saw that this was her “real” band. In the audience the other members of Clan of Xymox were seen. The singer Jens-Uwe reminded us of Artaud of Garden of Delight. They didn’t make that kind of “show”, but there was no use for this. Their music was convincing enough. “Machinery” could also be part of a movie soundtrack with its catchy melody and nearly orchestral parts.

01. The Garden Of Love
02. Machinery
03. Armageddon
04. In The Mirror
05. The Providence
06. Black Dust
07. Broke The Chain
08. To The Clouds

Music 8
Performance 6
Light –
Sound 6
Total 6.9


The band was formed in 1986 in Sweden. There first single “Sunset” was released in 1988, but an album wasn’t following immediately. Finally it came out in 1993. They became one of the first Scandinavian “Goth´N´Roll”-bands and toured all over the world. Although there were always rumours about splitting up and many line-up changes, the last album “Flames of love” was released in 2005. The actual line-up is set with Mikael Körner (vocal, guitar, programming), Jonas Görtz (drums), Dee (keyboard, programming, backing vocal), Måns Tomsby (bass, backing vocal) and Peter Mårdklint (lead guitar).

Their name is standing for good Dark Rock and early “Goth`n´Roll”. Although now The 69Eyes are seen as the well-known artists for this genre, Funhouse are also big in it. Their combination of melodic, dark guitars, a very deep, but still powerful voice and catchy keyboards is really worth to watch out for.

Unfortunately there was no great performance or show, but in our opinion they were presenting a very good rock-set. This would also be worth being played at better positions on a big festival.

Music 8
Performance 5
Light –
Sound 6
Total 6.6

Stendal Blast

The German band was founded in 1989 as a project working with saw and trombone. They got a record deal in 1995 and released their first album “Was verdorrt”. Their last album “Schmutzige Hände” came out in 2004. Founding member Kaaja Hoyda is living in Sofia and he is also working as a poet and writing for different music magazines. He was also reading at the festival.

This was really art, although some people even call it “anti-art”. Their mostly electronic music was combined with weird, but highbrow lyrics. The songs were supported by a guitar melody, which made an additional contrast.

Kaaja Hoyda can be called a performance artist. He told little stories during the breaks, made jokes and fun. He was also serious, when it comes to topics, which are really important for him. At the beginning of the concert he wore a tropic helmet and a jacket and was looking a little bit funny. Unfortunately there was so little light above the band. 

Music 6
Performance 7
Light 3
Sound 6
Total 5.9

The Invincible Spirit

The band was formed in 1984 in Germany as The Invisible Spirit. After the leaving of the founding member Thomas Lüdke he re-named the band in The Invincible Spirit. In 1986 the single “Devil dance” became a huge hit and the following debut album “Current news” contained the all-time club hit “Push”. After several releases the band disappeared in 1994. In 2000 they came back and brought out an “Anthology” in 2004. Since 2005 they are working on new material. The current line-up is Thomas Lüdke (vocals), Hardy Z. (keyboards) and Lydya N. (bass/guitar).

They are well-known for their minimal EBM-music. They only need a keyboard, a bass and shouter on stage. Their greatest hits “Push” and “Devil dance” were enthusiastically supported by the audience.

There is never any show in their auditions. Thomas Lüdke is running over the stage and Lydya is looking sad and bored. The audience was dancing a lot and singing and having fun. Even Mojca (Clan of Xymox) was dancing in the crowd during the whole concert.

Music 7
Performance 4
Light 4
Sound 6
Total 5.5

Inkubus Sukkubus

The band was formed in 1989 in the UK by the college friends Candia Ridley, Tony McKormack and Adam Henderson. They became the greatest Pagan Rock band, standing by their belief and religion. Tony and Candia married later and got a son. They released eight full-time albums and a mini-album “Witch queen” in 2005. The line-up is still the same since their foundation. All members are working in side- or community projects.

Their music can be described as melodic, catchy Gothic Rock with medieval, folk and religious influences. Candia’s voice is gentle and dark, but can also be angry or seductive. Unfortunately all electronic parts, orchestral melodies and backing vocals came from a tape. There were many listeners seen singing their hits “Belladonna & Aconite”, “Away with the faeries” and “Vampire Erotica”.

As always, only Candia was moving a lot. She danced, jumped, clapped her hands and talked to the people. Unfortunately they didn’t understand her when she was asking, where all the people were at the daytime. She told that she was walking around the town, but there was nearly no one seen and at the evening the area in the castle was filled with people. As usual this was one of our live highlights, because they are an energetic band with powerful songs.

Music 9
Performance 8
Light 5
Sound 6
Total 7.7

Faulée Taubée Fire show

The performance group was entertaining the whole weekend at the festivals area. There were strange creatures walking around and in the castle and even men on stilts were seen. At the evening they made an incredible fire show. Unfortunately the changing of the bands was in the background and so they had to do their show in front of the stage. So only a few people in the first rows could see all of their show parts. With two women and a man they created a mixture of astonishment and admiration.



After the splitting of the Dreadful Shadows in 2000, a new band was formed by Sven Friedrich and Norman Selbig. First they were called Helix, but than changed into Zeraphine. The line-up was fast set with Sven (vocals), Norman (guitar), Manuel (guitar), Michael (bass) and Marcellus (drums), who is also playing in Nina Hagen’s band. Since their foundation they released four full-time albums and got a growing fan base. Their last album “Still” came out in 2006.

Anyone who has ever been to a Zeraphine concert knows what to expect. Their guitar based songs are supported by energetic drums and besides all, by the fantastic voice of Sven Friedrich. Even though he doesn’t use his voice anymore in a way he did with the Dreadful Shadows, there is this special little thing. His voice is deep, but not to much. It is gentle, but never kitschy. They played their well-known songs and of course many songs from the new album “Still”. As always they presented their songs in a very high quality, which is rarely seen by any live band. In our opinion the songs are even better live on stage than on an album.

We saw them several times on stage. Although we even more liked the old performances with the Dreadful Shadows because of their strength and power, the Zeraphine concerts are always wonderful. However they create a special atmosphere. This time we couldn’t get into that mood. Maybe it was already to cold or the day has been to long. For us this wasn’t that special thing anymore. They are still one of the best live bands we have ever seen, but this time it was nearly the same as every time.

Music 8
Performance 7
Light 5
Sound 6
Total 7


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