12th - 16th May 2016
Wave Gotik Treffen 2016 (Day 1): Victorian Picnic, Golden Apes, The Angina Pectoris, Triarii, Abney Park, Faun, Nouvelle Vague, Project Pitchfork, The Deadfly Ensemble, Peter Murphy
Most events (concerts, etc.) start later in the afternoon. Later than in the years before. Most visitors need some time to sleep of the party nights, freshen up or use the time to visit museums. The sunny weather would have been perfect for an open air concert and a lot of people miss the Parkbühne, the stage at the Clara Zetkin Park, which -apart from the “Victorian Picnic”- has no longer been part of the WGT since 2014.
The “Victorian Picnic” on Friday afternoon in this park is an iconic event during WGT, especially for those who like to dress up in Victorian, Steampunk, baroque or all kinds of neo/ dark romantic styles. Hundreds of elegantly costumed people meet up in style for a dazzling picnic or stroll in the park! Some musicians accompany the picnickers with their music, but tea, cake, communication and an afternoon of “see and be seen“ are the priorities.

A new and similar event with less photographers and spectators took place at the same time: Viona’s Victorian Village, a Victorian market with dance lessons, a tea party and costume competition as well as live music. The location: the “Arena am Panometer” was quite small - a stroll along took about 15 minutes, but the historic turn-of-the century gas storage brick building, the lovely little market was a great joy and will probably grow to be a constant part of future WGTs just like the “Victorian Picnic“.
Golden Apes - Felsenkeller (Little Dead Boy)
The Felsenkeller is a fantastic venue and former dancehall. The hall from 1890 in Plagwitz (Suburb of Leipzig) has high celling, and the columns and cupola... are incredible. The deep dark booming voice of Peer Lebrecht, which at times is not totally unlike Bowies, carries the very dark and depressing sound of the GOLDEN APES. The Felsenkeller is packed. The audience anticipates the calm almost languid songs after the APES long absence from the stage. All in all the GOLDEN APES look back at a band history of over 16 years but have been less active since 2000. The band hardly moves, putting the focus on the music, while at the same time some girls in the audience dance. The GOLDEN APES don’t put up a show, which I miss, sadly. The sound -considering we listen to two guitars, a bass guitar and drum playback- is rather meagre, though at some parts a guitar sounds almost like a saxophone and adds a different, interesting tone. Their music is well done and their skills solid, though their sound could hardly be called innovative and is hard to distinguish from other bands, apart from Peer’s voice.

When they play their slow encore, the first row, unfortunately, gets to smell the loo, which is right next to the stage. Having to cope with this, the audience stays all the same and enjoys one of their best song, their “lullaby”. They just play their music, they don´t talk, apart from a couple of “thank you”´s. // https://www.facebook.com/pages/Golden-Apes/106221659408978 // Setlist: 01. Cedars of Salt / 02. Ferryman / 03. Ignorance / 04. Malady / 05. Shadowplay / 06. Jump / 07. Missing / 08. Heart’s Corrosion / 09. Grinding Mills / 10. Verity / 11. Happy Losers / Encores: 12. Prudence / 13. Travelling Strangers / 14. Riot
The Angina Pectoris - Felsenkeller (Little Dead Boy)
As Till, from “the Babylon conspiracy“, said: “Imperfection is part of their concept and charm.“ The audience silently listens to an intro of drums and guitar with a lot of sustain, which then abruptly turns out to be just the sound check. With a lot of fog, the singer, who has a rather weak and boyish voice, enters the stage. Live drums, a playback of female backing vocals, bass guitar and guitars. THE ANGINA PECTORIS from Stuttgart, Germany, are back after 15years of absence. Unfortunately Joelen Mingi, the singer, has to fiddle with the laptop after the first song to optimize the sound, which results in an uncomfortable break of a couple of minutes. THE ANGINA PECTORIS played a lot of songs from their new album ‘Seven Year Itch’, which is to be released in July 2016, as well as classics like ‘My Dying Heart’. Their sound still exactly as in the old days, solid, down to earth, Goth rock, Angina delivered what was expected of them. // https://www.facebook.com/theanginapectoris / https://youtu.be/3B1P9T44kco

Triarii - Volkspalast (Kuppelhalle) (Betty Schulze & Little Dead Boy)
Triara, Latin: the third, were the elite of the roman legions. The neo folk band from Berlin chose this name for its old and powerful sound. When we arrives around four the Volkspalast, already several people waited for entrance. The doors opened little later than planned since there were some security issues still discussed with the fire fighters. But finally the concert day at Kuppelhalle starts, a great location for this special concert. Along with an astounding video show in the background, Christian Erdmann was accompanied by an equally awesome drummer. // https://www.facebook.com/TRIARIIHeadquarters // Setlist: 01. Emperor Of The Sun / 02. Heldentod / 03. On Wings Of Steel / 04. Mother Of Pain / 05. Les Extrémes Se Touchent / 06. Iron Fields / 07. Roses 4 Rome / 08. Ode To The Sun / 09. Kameraden / 10. Exile / 11. W.A.R. / 12. Heaven & Hell / 13. Europa / 14. Solemn Vigil

Abney Park - Agra (Little Dead Boy)
My first concert highlight at the WGT 2016. ABNEY PARK from Seattle, USA are pure joy. Named after the Abney Park Cemetery in London, they take the Agra by storm with their steam punk mix of seemingly early 20s swing, violin, modern drum and guitar sounds. On ‘Your mind is blowing’ they even dare to use a hip hop beat. They have the Agra jumping, moving and dancing at their feet. ABNEY PARK are often called the quintessential Steampunk band. With this project, Robert Brown created a whole musical universe and his personal magnum opus. Robert founded ABNEY PARK over 20 years ago, and since then they’ve released 19 albums, three novels, a role playing gamed a board game. Along with Robert, Kristina Erickson (keys), Josh Goering (guitar), Derek Brown (bass) and Mitchel Drury (violin) rock the Agra to the ground. // http://www.abneypark.com / https://www.facebook.com/Abney-Park-312292093741 // Setlist: 01. Tribal Nomad / 02. Neobedouin / 03. Sleep Isabella / 04. The Derelict / 05. Out of Darkness / 06. Wasteland Warriors / 07. Walls / 08. Clone Factories / 09. Airship Pirate

Faun - Agra (Little Dead Boy)
To me it is still strange to have bands like OMNIA or in this case FAUN anywhere else but under open skies. I still remember their fantastic gig at the “Heidnische Dorf“ (renaissance fest/ medieval market) at WGT in 2007. To me it is so much more pleasant to enjoy them in such a beautiful and familiar atmosphere. The Agra is bursting. The spirit great, the sound fantastic. Especially the drums and flute are perfectly audible. Named after the mythological half human/ half goat, FAUN play medieval music and pagan folk. They use a variety of old instruments, modern synth- and drum backings, always leaving the singing in the centre of the attention. Oliver Sa Tyr, the front man of FAUN, is an brilliant M.C. His presentation and the way he addresses and involves the audience is exemplary. When he animates the audience to shout “hey hey jo“ he truly is “the master pulling the strings“. FAUN and the audience celebrate ‘Walpurgisnacht’ with instruments that, as Oliver says, “were used to torture people in the dark ages“.

The band was founded in 2002 by Oliver "SaTyr" Pade, Elisabeth Pawelke, Fiona Rüggeberg and Birgit Muggenthaler. Two years later, Rüdiger Maul got into the band as percussionist. At the same time, Birgit left the band, to continue her musical life with the folk-rock band SCHANDMAUL. In 2002, they released their first album ‘Zaubersprüche’. Niel Mitra was a guest musician on this album, and he later became a full-time member of the band, the only one playing only electronic instruments. // www.faun.de / https://www.facebook.com/FaunOfficial // Setlist: 01. Andro / 02. Diese kalte Nacht / 03. Alba / 04. Iyansa / 05. Walpurgisnacht / 06. Pearl / 07. Drehleier Intro / 08. Blaue Stunde / 09. Zeitgeist / 10. Wind & Geige / 11. Rhiannon / 12. Tinta / Encore: 13. Hymn to Pan
Nouvelle Vague - Agra (Little Dead Boy)
The second highlight. Nobody regrets being here. The Agra is the place to be on this Friday evening. The place to feel alive and dance along to NOUVELLE VAGUE. Though their Bossa Nova sound is not one you would typically expect at a Gotik Treffen, they, too, have the audience cooking and dancing. The two singers Mélanie Pain and Liset Alea have the Agra in their grip. Their voices and performance are “pure sex“ as some female members of the audience exclaim. NOUVELLE VAGUE was formed by the French musicians Marc Collin and Olivier Libaux. At the WGT, they perform a fantastic version of ‘Bela Lugosi’s Dead’ by BAUHAUS – which leaves Mr Peter Murphy un-amused and furious, though it was surely meant as a tribute, ‘Let me go on’, ‘Just can´t get enough’, ‘Too drunk to fuck’ (you don’t need a lot of words, do you). Their passion is just overwhelming. It feels like sex. Group sex. teasing and foreplay. When one of the singers puts on a blindfold, the audience goes wild. ‘Can’t escape myself“ and ‘Love will tear us apart’... we are on a black Woodstock! Another quote from the audience: “I do not regret for a second not to be at PROJECT PITCHFORK now.“ // https://www.facebook.com/nouvellevagueofficial / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfvIMTlM4sY

Project Pitchfork - Kohlrabizirkus (Daniela Vorndran)
Even though people said they did not regret missing PITCHFORK for NOUVELLE VAGUE, there were so many who headed to the Kohlrabizirkus to see this band. The venue was overcrowded, the queue outside was still very long when already admittance to the venue was stopped. So, many people missed the band they were eager to see. For their WGT performance, Peter Spilles, Dirk Scheuber and Jürgen Jansen were once more supported by three drums operated by Achim Färber, Nook and Leo. It was massive! There was a big party going on at the old merchandise hall and already at the beginning with ‘Continuum’ and ‘Timekiller’, the venue was burning! The set contained a lot of old fan favourites like ‘Alpha Omega’, ‘Carrion’ or ‘IO’. And even though there were some technical issues with Peter’s microphone at following ‘Conjure’, no one cared and partied on. The show was ended with three more songs. First of them was ‘Souls’ suffering again from technical issues. But the song was started anew and perfectly presented. Powerful show! // http://www.project-pitchfork.eu / https://www.facebook.com/Project-Pitchfork-Official-65663206412 // Setlist: 01. Continuum / 02. Timekiller / 03. What Have We Done / 04. Human Crossing / 05. The Longing / 06. God Wrote / 07. The Dividing Line / 08. Fleischverstärker / 09. Blood-Loss (Sometimes) / 10. View From a Throne / 11. Alpha Omega / 12. An End / 13. Carrion / 14. Blood-Stained (Give Me Your Body) / 15. IO / 16. Conjure (Peter's mic wasn't working for the first verse) / 17. I Am (A Thought in Slowmotion) / Encores: 18. Souls (first try aborted because of technical problems) / 19. K.N.K.A. / 20. Blood-Thirst

The Deadfly Ensemble - Schauspielhaus (Daniela Vorndran)
With THE DEADFLY ENSEMBLE, we go for something completely different now. This project was launched in London ten years ago in 2005 containing Lucas Lanthier (CINEMA STRANGE, DIRTY WEATHER PROJECT - voices, guitars), Steven James (guitars ) and Marzia Rangel (FAITH AND THE MUSE, CHRIST VS WARHOL - cello, bass, guitar), James Powell (bass, guitar, programming ) as well as Blu Dizhan (drums, percussion). The project is branded by its originality. It is impossible to classify it in a specific style. The most visible influences come undoubtedly from CINEMA STRANGE and its post-punk universe being macabre, fantastic, beyond any classification. The acoustic arrangements tend to more lightness and simplicity. Still this does not prevent the members and especially singer Lucas from playing a clown on stage, dancing with a bottle of wine in his hand and to bring his wonderful world to the audience. The surrounding of the venue, the Schauspielhaus with its read seats, perfectly fits to the whole atmosphere.

There was a special thing with this concerts: the band could be photographed on stage and so, the photographers took their pictures on stage, wandering around in search for the perfect positions. What a great concert we were presented here. The ENSEMBLE was so long expected in Europe and at the end, it did not disappoint. // http://www.thedeadflyensemble.com / https://www.facebook.com/thedeadflyensemble
Peter Murphy - Agra (Little Dead Boy)
The Agra cools down. Although Mr BAUHAUS-Murphy is an icon and plays a great set - though not his best - most people stand there, arms folded, instead of dancing and moving. Peter Murphy has a great presence, but some of the songs he starts off with are maybe a bit too difficult for the listeners. He starts off with a sailor song played on a mandolin, on the second song dirty vocals meet distorted guitars. Peter’s voice has -of course- not become worse over the years. The drums seem to explode and Peter’s voice is just incredible! ‘She’s in parties’ yeah, yeah, yeah! The “Godfather of Goth“ as Murphy is often called, brought a great violinist from New York City. His version of ‘Telegram Sam’ is unnecessary. His version of ‘Ziggy Stardust’ on the other hand is just GREAT. It starts of close enough to the original (including the vocals) and then pushes it up a notch. And Peter sings a song in German! // http://www.petermurphy.info / https://www.facebook.com/petermurphyinfo

Setlist: 01. King Volcano (Bauhaus song) / 02. Kingdom's Coming (Bauhaus song) / 03. Double Dare (Bauhaus song) / 04. In the Flat Field (Bauhaus song) / 05. God in an Alcove (Bauhaus song) / 06. The Bewlay Brothers (David Bowie cover) / 07. Silent Hedges (Bauhaus song) / 08. She's in Parties (Bauhaus song) / 09. Hollow Hills (Bauhaus song) / 10. Unknown / 11. The Passion of Lovers (Bauhaus song) / 12. Stigmata Martyr (Bauhaus song) / 13. Dark Entries (Bauhaus song) / Encores: 14. Telegram Sam (T. Rex cover) / 15. Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie cover)
Pictures by
Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet): Intro, Victorian Picnic, Golden Apes, Peter Murphy
Xavier Marquis: Abney Park, Faun, Nouvelle Vague
Betty Schulze: Triarii
Sandro Griesbach: Project Pitchfork
Cécile Hautefeuille: The Deadfly Ensemble
Mario Pamp: The Angina Pectoris