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doppler apopheniatype
Artist: Doppler
Title: Apophenia: Type I Error
Genre: Groove Metal/ Experimental Metal/ Djent
Release Date: 12th September 2012
Label: Mighty Music/ Target Distribution

Album Review

DOPPLER’s beginnings are tied to 2003, they played alongside other Spanish bands such as DEMIURGO, INSIDE ME to name just a few and opened for CYNIC and NESSERIA. ‘Apophenia: Type I Error’ is the name of their debut. Their sound is going to take you to the Djent territory, which would not distinguish them far enough from the genre norms, but for the fact that they also take in a touch of Industrial and ambient atmosphere, at times few Death Metal and hushed Thrash elements, but this only distinguishes them by a very, very close margin and that I can say only if I’m feeling generous.

The Industrial undertones bring in the feeling of disorientation and institutionalised claustrophobia more acutely than the predictable Djent tendencies, which sound far too much in awe of MESHUGGAH. Its thematic predilections seeks to de-construct something within one’s mind to bring a painful-to-altered state of being and tries to evoke the state of schizophrenia, well, that sounds promising as one could be confronted with the deep, primal fear of losing sanity, the shame is that the music depicting it disappoints with its lack of originality and fails to draw the listener in with a genuine sense of discovery. Hopefully in future the band will seek to find more unique ways to express the interesting concepts, but their debut can only be commended on good technical skills, but nothing more.


01. Pareidolia
02. Asynchronous Forms
03. Eyes attending the detail
04. Internal sensorial reality
05. The delivery and the giant
06. Falling Pt.1 – The Jump
07. Falling Pt.2 – The Descent
08. Falling Pt.3 – The Current


Albano Fortes - Vocals
Rafael González - Guitars
Miguel Gago - Bass
Daniel Iglesias - Drums and synths

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Cover Picture

doppler apopheniatype


Music: 5
Sound: 7
Total: 6 / 10

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