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eis wetterkreuz
Artist: Eïs
Title: Wetterkreuz
Genre: Black Metal
Release Date: 28th September 2012
Label: Lupus Lounge

Album Review

“Nothing is as constant as change.” -Heraclitus of Ephesus-

It’s been three years since their last albums ‘Galeere’ when GEÏST lived through several changes. At the end of 2001 singer Cypher D. Rex as well as guitarists Hedrykk and Zyan left the band - the band almost faded into oblivion… and as if that wasn’t enough the two founding members of the band Alboin and Marlek changed the name of the band from GEÏST to EÏS. But all these changes were a certain vow to their fans, to regain strength and to go down the road of true and oldschool Scandinavian 90s black metal. So they began to compose new songs, collaborated with Schwadorf (EMPYRIUM, THE VISION BLEAK) and his Klangschmiede E-studios. The result is the new release ‘Wetterkreuz’ - an album that seems to be based upon natural elements.

The impression increases due to the several effects within the songs like e.g. in the intro of ‘Mann aus Stein’. The sound of stormy weathers combined with a production that seems to be like sharp frost, pure roughness leaves the mark of climbing a mountain. Although the production is a consequent development of the release, the album cannot convince completely. Beside the beautiful and well written lyrics, ‘Wetterkreuz’ isn’t able to offer new aspects of its genre. The question is, does it have to? A question, that everybody has to decide for his own. Of course, ‘Wetterkreuz’ is a solid album that leaves almost nothing to be desired due to the black metal attitude… but on the other hand there’s a certain chance that it is getting annoying after several playtimes.


01. Mann aus Stein
02. Auf kargen Klippen
03. Wetterkreuz
04. Am Abgrund
05. Bei den Sternen


Bass - Alboin, Schwadorf
Vocals - Alboin
Guitars - Alboin, Abarus, Nostarion
Drums - Marlek
Piano - Martin Wiese

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Cover Picture

eis wetterkreuz


Music: 7
Sound: 8
Extras: -
Total: 7.5 / 10

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