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mechanicalcabaret ilostmyfriend
Artist: Mechanical Cabaret
Title: I Lost My Friend To A Video Game
Genre: Electro Pop
Release Date: 20th January 2015
Label: WTII Records

Review Flash

London based electro-sleaze outfit MECHANICAL CABARET, release a January single and decide to let everyone and his cat remix it for reasons best known to themselves. The song itself is a dancey stamp through the history of video games, the lyrics, one has to hope, are very tongue in cheek. If not, they’re basically, crap. There’s always been something of MARC ALMOND about this band, and they can fling out a floor-filler seemingly at will - this one certainly has its own wonky charm if nothing else. By all means wade through the eight different versions here if time is a friendly luxury of yours, and stop by extra song (also remixed, yawn) ‘Sex, Violence & Death’ for a bit of minor distraction. It does slightly sound like ‘Cool For Cats’ by SQUEEZE though. Which is nice.

Conclusion: Hear it in a club. Dance to it. Otherwise, move along, move along…

Rating: 6 / 10

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