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Artist: Doomshine
Title: The Piper at the Gates of Doom
Genre: Doom Metal
Label: Massacre Records
Release Date: 2nd July 2010

Album Review

DOOMSHINE has been around longer than fans may realize. While the German group formed in 2000, the band members knew each other since the early 90s. The only real recognizable member is guitarist Sven Podgurski, known for his work in the bands SPIRAL TOWER (a power / speed metal group) and TRAGEDY DIVINE (a progressive metal group), this doesn‘t mean that other members are newbies at their musical game. Since the release of ‘Thy Kingdoom Come’ in 2004, DOOMSHINE have only gotten better. Using a slow, minimalistic doom metal formula similar to THE GATES OF SLUMBER and CANDLEMASS, ‘The Piper at the Gates of Doom’ is a force to be reckoned with.

Compared to its predecessor, ‘The Piper at the Gates of Doom’ is a much more epic album, and not just due to longer track lengths. The album relies on heavy, buzzing chords that invoke a sense of depressing, but it isn’t crushing like death doom or funeral doom metal. The vocals are similar to the CANDLEMASS style: bordering power metal but never reaching any piercing falsettos. The riffs may be repetitive, but they are catchy, such as on ‘Hark! The Absurd Angel Falls’. Other tracks such as ‘Doomshine Serenade’ are much thicker and murkier in sound, but the vocals pretty much stay the same in their power and style throughout the album. This isn’t to say they are monotonous, as they are quite good, but the vocalist tries to keep in the same range.

Sometimes he’ll speak in a low voice, but usually he will sing in that crooning doom metal vocal style. “River Of January” picks up the pace with a livelier pace that is rock oriented, but still carries the buzzing depressive feeling. ‘Cold Cypher Cven’ features some great bass work and excellent doom melodies. ‘Waltzhalla’ has some great marching drums to go along with the guitars, and the epic closer ‘Godhunter’ is a steamroller that just plows right through for about nine minutes, but also features some of the best melodies that DOOMSHINE have developed yet. It is very haunting and even features some darker harsh vocals.

DOOMSHINE is certainly an excellent doom metal band, not only for their ability to make the music depressing but also ENJOYABLY depressing. The vocal talents are very good and don’t have the low, moaning rasp that some doom metal bands do. They are full of life, which may seem like a contrast to doom metal’s purpose, but according to the lyrics DOOMSHINE are meant more on basing their music about fantasy and story telling rather than depression and loss. Certainly worth checking out for anyone who enjoys melodic doom, but not harsh doom from the likes of PARADISE LOST or MY DYING BRIDE. This is meant more for fans of BLACK SABBATH or even DIO.


01. Sanctuary Demon (8:44)
02. Actors of the Storm (5:19)
03. Hark! The Absurd Angels Fall (7:47)
04. Rivers of January (6:33)
05. Doomshine Serenade (8:40)
06. The Crow Pilot (8:09)
07. Cold Cypher Ceven (6:47)
08. Vanished (4:40)
09. Waltzhalla (7:02)
10. Godhunter (9:29)


Tim Holz: vocals, guitar
Sven Podgurski: guitar
Carsten Fisch: bass
Markus Schlaps: drums

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Cover Picture


Music: 8
Sound: 8
Total: 8 / 10


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