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truckfighters universe
Artist: Truckfighters
Title: Universe
Genre: Rock
Release Date: 27th January 2014
Label: Fuzzoramarecords

Review Flash

A prize must be awarded here for the worst band name in history, but a second more respectful one added for sounding like a dust-bowl, groovy, hard-rock combo from the good old US-of-A, despite being Swedish. Road trip in a Volvo anyone? There’s knuckle-headed rock on ‘Mind Control’, melody and restraint on the excellent ‘Get Lifted’ and fuzzy, sludgy guitars pretty much throughout. ‘Dream Sale’ is a violent slap about the face with an oily rag and ‘Mastodont’ is the whole album whittled down to 14 minutes, impossibly heavy at times, bluesy, exciting, dynamic and totally bonkers. It’s brilliant.

Conclusion: So, terrible name aside, the Swedes prove once again that if you can’t invent the wheel, you can at least refine it, mess with it, and then roll it out much improved. A shot in the arm for a tired genre.

Rating: 8 / 10

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