Title: Rewire Reality
Band: Next Waste Dimension
Genre: metal, dance and industrial
Release date: 2007-06-25
Label: Under Her Black Wings
With REWIRE REALITY Under Her Black Wings releases one of the most surprising albums of 2007. This much anticipated debut is packed with ingenious bass lines, crushing riffs, tight drums and a variety of synth parts that define the autonomy and creativity of the band. What really sets NWD apart from others is their ability to mix metal with trance, techno and industrial while always keeping the focus on writing genuine songs.
Rikkert Achtereekte - guitars, vocals, synths, programmering
Jorik Tijssen - drums, percussion
Niels Achtereekte - bass, synths, programmering
Jeroen Traanman - video art, VJ
Song review
1. Opaque - 5:11
A strong opener of the record. The beginning of this track is like a movie, with some soft keys. It's begun slowly with a deep grunt in it, the double bass is very fast. A strong structure between fast and slow creates a good balance in this track. The guitar and bass riffs at the end of the track are very powerful. The mix between the instruments is very good.
2. Zephyr - 4:14
This track starts with a very long and deep grunt. The vocals and the sound have more dance influences at this song. The drums and blasts are very fast. This track is a mix from slow and fast. They used samples from a man who's speaking who told something. The synths are catchy on this song.
3. The_Forgotten - 3:22
This track is very energetic. The deeper grunts and guitar riffs make this complete. It's a short track with less synths.
4. 1st_encounter - 4:57
The intro at this song is like a soft and slow gothic intro, different than the songs before. The slower synth parts are very impressive. The vocals are very clearly.
5. Stamina - 4:47
This is a more up-tempo song, more metal. The melodic bass and guitar riffs are very good. The balance between fast and slow is great.
6. Distorted - 4:54
The beat on this intro is more like dance/trance. A more up-tempo song, with nice bass riffs. It's a pity that the bass are more on the background. The guitars riffs are very clearly.
7. Nervewrecker - 2:37
A faster song with ska/dance influences, just great! The synths are impressive. It's one of the shorter songs on this CD, but it's catchy!
8. Dead_soil - 5:16
On this track are the drums and blasts very fast, the mix between drums and synth are great! It's more a dance track than metal. The guitar and bass riffs are very melodic and also good in balance.
9. I_am_energy - 4:58
This track is very melodic and catchy. Also this time are the instruments good in balance. There are more screams on this track, more than grunts.
10. Force_Fed_Greed - 3:37
The last song of the cd starts very fast and sounds melodic. The blasts and double bass sounds great on this song.
CD-Rom track: Video Opaque
This track starts like a movie with a combination of the video art they used at the performances and the members with their instruments in a hall of a factory. You can see samples of cities, roads and psychedelic signs. The balance is great between music and samples.
Cover Picture
Technical information
Total playing time: 43:58
Total numbers: 10 + CD-rom track
When you hear the cd it sounds great, all the ten numbers are complete. They put some old songs in a new jacket, which is very impressive. The production and mix are very clearly, it gives a groovy metal/dance sound. The extra video on this album is also great and really an addition.
Music: 8
Sound: 8
Extra's: 8
Total: 8
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