E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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SchandmaulAlter Schlachthof, Dresden, Germany
1st December 2017
Schandmaul - “Von Leuchtfeuern und anderen Halunken” Tour 2017

‘LeuchtFeuer’ (light beacon) - most people associate this word with highly visible light signals, which have shown the way to the safe haven to sailors at night and often stormy seas. Back to their families, into a warming home and a sense of security. ‘LeuchtFeuer’ have been used for many years to transmit messages, to warn against approaching enemies, but often also for the transmission of good and bad news.

‘LeuchtFeuer’ have always served mankind as a signpost, as a clear signal in the dark hours and as a starting point in periods of disorientation. In today's high-tech era, the symbolic character of ‘LeuchtFeuer’ has by no means diminished in importance. Everyone can be a ‘LeuchtFeuer’, a light in the dark. On a large or on a small scale. In the extensive ‘LeuchtFeuer’ tour 2016/17, SCHANDMAUL wants to bring together many people and give them the opportunity to escape everyday life, at least for a certain time. Connecting people with stories and music and who knows, perhaps one or the other ignites the small spark that makes it a ‘LeuchtFeuer’.

Video 'Zeit‘: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-j_Iy25HGo

schandmaul tour2017

Additional concert Info
Doors: 07:00 pm
Start: 08:00 pm
Tickets: are available for 39.00 euros + charges (pre-sale) HERE
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/231703797179134/
Info: http://www.aust-konzerte.com/konzerte/591/SCHANDMAUL

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