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Artist: N.Strahl.N
Title: Nachtstücke
Genre: Ambient / Experimental
Release Date: 2009
Label: The Tourette Tapes

Album Review

Experimental ambient-industrial music can range in quality from what essentially sounds like a child hitting a keyboard with a hammer, to quite majestic pieces that incorporate lots of musical theory. Thankfully, N.Strahl.N’s M.W. Loehr is definitely the latter. ‘Nachtsücke’ is, on the surface, an old school sounding “synthesizers and steel’ sounding industrial project. But upon further listening it becomes clear that Loehr is an accomplished composer who can turn the sounds of urban decay into classical sounding arrangements.

The album flows like an opera cycle with each piece sharing common elements of pace and atmosphere while emphasising different ideas. The opening track ‘…F. W. N…’ is a Nietzsche inspired atmospheric piece that uses bass-heavy sounds over drones to build up a sense of existential darkness. ‘…Stahlgeist In Blau…’ on the other hand, is a more modern, rhythmically driven piece that effectively utilises samples to drive the song. ‘…Schwankung…’ again uses similar samples but in a more deconstructed way - instead of a driving beat, the samples take on a more repetitive but atmospheric role against the analogue synth noises.

‘…Dunstgeläut…’ however, cuts out all sense of rhythm and opts for waves of analogue synth drones intersecting like an avant-garde string piece. ‘…Eisenwolke…’ is a definite standout piece on this album as it slowly builds into a dark throbbing sense of foreboding that, while not inherently noisy, is still a confrontational song. The album’s final song ‘…C.M.W…’, is also probably its crowning glory as well as the emphasis suddenly switches to softer sounds that ebb and flow, drawing the listener into a state of transcendental calm.

This is a heavy-going album and certainly not one for those who dabble in such genres as experimental and ambient. There is a lot going on in here that some may find overwhelming and even unmistakable. However if your musical elitism knows no bounds and you can appreciate the melodies inherent in sonic dissonance then definitely check this out.


01. Erstes Nachtsück: F. W. N. (Nachhall Blauer Stunden)
02. Zweites Nachtstück: Stahlgeist In Grau (Verdichtung) 
03. Drittes Nachtstück: Stahlgeist In Blau (Nunmehr Vorhanden) 
04. Viertes Nachtstück: Bruchnebel (Läuternd)
05. Fünftes Nachtstück: Schwankung (Zitternd)
06. Sechstes Nachtstück: Dunkelgraue Statik (Kreisend)
07. Siebentes Nachtstück: Dunstgeläut (Rostromantik II)
08. Achtes Nachtstück: Blaugrauer Tanz
09. Neuntes Nachtsück: Eisenwolke (Dämmernd)
10. Zehntes Nachtstück: Fraktaltanz (Formend)
11. Elftes Nachtstück: Lichtwebe (Andacht)
12. Zwölftes Nachtstück: C. M. W. (Unendlich)


M.W. Loehr

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Music: 7
Sound: 7
Extras: -
Total: 7 / 10

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