Title: Christmas Ghouls
Artist: Spectra*Paris
Genre: Electronic / Acoustic
Release Date: 26th November 2010
Label: Out of Line
Album Review
Can’t believe that Christmas is almost on our doorsteps again. It makes you realize how fast time passed again. Usually, around this time of the year, a festive spirit takes hold of human beings everywhere and particularly for musicians it seems to become a source of inspiration time and again, and SPECTRA*PARIS are amongst them this time around. The band around KIRLIAN CAMERA’s Elena Fossi recently released a record, titled ‘Christmas Ghouls’ ought to spread the spirit of Christmas. And they’re starting the disc with one of the most famous Christmas songs of them all ‘Silent Night’, sparsely instrumented with glockenspiel and soft electronics. But all of them are just ornaments to Elena’s grand vocal performance outshining everything. As next song we have an Italian version of the last album’s track ‘Movie Ghouls’, taking you up to celestial regions with its airy synth accentuations to the playful background beats. The tale of the mysterious ‘Joaquin Murietta’, also called Robin Hood of El Dorado, is told in the next acoustic treat, orchestrated with delicate guitar and piano while its follow-up ‘Time Behind The Clock’ enlists the means of electronic sound synthesis to create its own dense universe of imagery.
‘Snoqualmie Is Sleeping’ embraces you with a set of contemplative, wide sounds without any vocal support. That’ll come back soon enough on the next efforts like ‘Snowy Cross Tale’, pleasing with strings and acoustic guitar and a stellar chorus performance while ‘King Snow’s Garden’ invokes wintry feelings, entwined with a sense of longing that comes naturally these days when you feel solitude is much more present than any other time of the year. ‘Spectrelfen’ for me comes as electronic overture to the record’s closer ‘Stille Nacht’. Yeah, once again but with different sounds and even though it’s quite a broken German expression it sounds lovely. If you’re still on the hunt for a little Christmas gift, I suggest you have a look at this disc, but even if you’re not you should risk an ear. It fits this time of the year perfectly and besides that is a fine collection of music.
01. Silent Night - 2:01
02. Movie Ghouls (Italian Version) - 4:11
03. Joaquin Murietta - 3:43
04. Time Behind The Clock - 3:57
05. Snoqualmie Is Sleeping - 3:05
06. Snowy Cross Tale - 4:27
07. King Snow's Garden - 3:59
08. Spectrelfen - 1:56
09. Movie Ghouls (Album Version) - 4:07
10. Stille Nacht - 2:13
Elena Alice Fossi - Vocals, Electronics, Programming, Keyboards, Bass, Music, Lyrics
Marianna Alfieri - Guitars, Bass
Alessia Cavalieri - Backing Vocals, Synth
http://spectraparis.net/ / http://www.myspace.com/spectraparis
Cover Picture

Music: 9
Sound: 9
Extras: -
Total: 9 / 10