21st December 2017
Wolf Maahn – Christmas Concert
It’s already an established tradition of 15 good years, that one of Germany’s most influential singer/ songwriters, WOLF MAAHN, the living legend of German Rock, comes to “Germany’s best live club” (according to Wolf) in December to celebrate a customary Christmas concert. Here, Wolf - to the delight of his fans - creates this special atmosphere with the help of his band, which has been created in over 1,200 concerts in over four decades.
Even though the club did not make the impression of being sold-out, the mood was fabulous. Nearly every song was sung-along loudly by the audience and the desired goose-Bump feeling was created. One thing is for sure, Wolf in the Zeche Bochum belongs to the Christmas time just like a Christmas tree or Advent wreath.
http://www.wolfmaahn.de/ https://www.facebook.com/wolfmaahn
More on Wolf Maahn
All pictures by Markus Holzer