E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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part cloudsOn Friday, February 3rd, 2023, the new single ‘Clouds’ by the project duo PART (Franziska Gross and FORCED TO MODE frontman and band leader Christian Schottstädt) saw the light of day and on Monday, February 6th, 2023 the accompanying video was released. Together with music genius Frank Sander (who works as a songwriter and producer for FORCED MOVEMENT, BLIND PASSENGER, THE WORRIERS, CAISARON and others) PART wrote and produced the new song ‘Clouds’. Sander provided the lyrics as well as the original production.

Together, the temporary studio trio of PART and Frank produced the slow, but powerfully dark number, which also excellently presents the almost unknown vocal range and diversity of singer Franziska. The accompanying video was staged and implemented by PART themselves. In addition to the title track, the single release includes the B-side ‘Homeless’ (written and produced by PART) and two other versions of ‘Clouds’ (acoustic and the ‘Black Star & Moon Remix’). ‘Clouds’ by PART will be available on all common digital platforms (streaming and download) from February 3rd, 2023. All further information and publications by PART can be found at www.part-music.com

Source: Press Release

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