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“Driven by alcohol and boredom, persuaded by an ominous stranger and chauffeured by a mad punk, Robert and his friend Tom discover the Kiss Lounge. A place as luring as a revealing harlot, as loud as the hardest Heavy Metal concert and as wicked as a confirmed Casanova! For both friends, a voluptuous paradise full of dirty men’s fantasies opens, but they don’t know yet, which price they will have to pay for this pleasure.”

With ‘Kiss Lounge’ singer Lex of German band MEGAHERZ will debut as a writer of fantastic literature. It is a story that combines elements of classic horror stories with modern scene literature. The book also contains the parables ‘Die verschwundene Prinzessin’ (The missing Princess), ‘Das Handbuch zum richtigen Umgang mit Toten’ (Guide to proper handling of the dead) as well as an audio book, recorded by the author.

Source: Press Release

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