Artist: Autolux
Title: Pussy’s Dead
Genre: New Dream Pop / Experimental
Release Date: 1st April 2016
Label: 30th Century Records
Album Review
‘Pussy’s Dead’… technology fails me not!
Everybody has a different taste on music and through this carrousel of evolution where we seem to convolute as a resistance in order to achieve evolution, in the end we implode trying to find the rationale behind music. Looking up for inspiration everywhere, the journey of a piece can be understood as a collection of thoughts, a stream of consciousness revolving and thriving in memory… sounds, rhythms, reproaches, pleads… and the coat of newness courtesy of the wonder technology available to record and produce an album.
‘Pussy’s Dead’ by AUTOLUX is a collection of sounds and tragic messages made cool. It plays with a dystopian idea translated into music that gives the feeling of submerging our thoughts into antifreeze gel… and since concept albums are no longer a thing, we can explore it as we wish, cause only by making our own listening experience through the tracks, can we grasp the something of it… whether that something is pleasure, curiosity, a trip, or anything else (“insert here an emotion, feeling, noun…”) is up to each one of us and what is triggered within… Doorbells ringing, intermittent clicks, sugary voice and almost childish choruses, embraced by a lulling bass and funky rhythms make ‘Pussy’s Dead’ a potential evolution of dream-pop with less drone and more trip.
With catchy choruses that will stick on our subconscious, the question is, shall we act upon them? what will come out of their cycle in our brains? “It´s so sad to be happy all the time” pricks our sense of order, a paradox without an answer but an understanding that hides in ‘Selectallcopy.’ “I see right through you…” triggers our anguish behind the perfectly well built facade with all its flaws and imperfections that we have meticulously curated through the years in ‘Brainwasher.’ And we can swim in our brains through “Soft Scene” the lead single that smears the antifreeze gel all over our senses in colours and clicks, embraced in the hype of the cool dreamy non-drone pop. ‘Hamster Suite’ becomes an almost nursery rhyme to avoid our fears trapped in an elevator of false expectations. ‘Listen to the Order’ taps into the intense use of distortion, the pleasure of the drone which Sonic Youth made its trade mark. In a general sense it’s impossible not to summon them constantly, yet AUTOLUX manages to strip the sound. It is a paradoxical achievement: passing the sound through a digital strain that yet, adds many more little details, the end result is a synthetic drone which in itself is paradoxical cause the drone originally is synthetic courtesy of the electric guitar and encountered signals… still… we have gotten used to it as if it were something organic, so when we listen to Pussy´s Death, is interesting to try and recognise the drone being dehumanised… like a machine burping never-ending...
In a dystopian reality, this is the music of our tragedy, of our reality… of our loss of every ounce of appreciation, inspiration, and effort. Many however have praise the work of composition, lyricism and particularly the rhythm section, yet beyond technology I wonder what is left? The problem with albums like ‘Pussy’s Dead’, is that in their exhaustive effort to be cool and hype, they end up being the perfect background music. Not the songs that you want to listen to focus, to inspire, to think… but the ones that go along with the sounds of a coffee shop, and get lost among the voices and conversations. Or the entrance to an easy trip with or without help but nothing beyond a delusion of seconds. Without adrenaline, is difficult for music to leave a trace in our memory, and too much hype, too much antifreeze gel has the ability to cool our memory for good…
01. Sellectallcopy
02. Soft Scene
03. Hamster Suite
04. Junk for Code
05. Anonymous
06. Brainwasher
07. Listen to the Order
08. Reappearing
09. Change My Head
10. Becker
Eugene Goreshter - vocals, bass
Greg Edwards - vocals, guitar, piano
Carla Azar - drums, vocals
http://www.autolux.net / https://www.facebook.com/autolux
Cover Picture

Music: 6
Sound: 10
Total: 8 / 10