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Title: Jezioro wspomnien
Artist: Accomplice Affair
Genre: Ambinet
Release Date: 2007
Label: My Hands Music

Album Review

Shortly after the release of his first work ‘Act of Creation’ Przemyslaw Rychlik the man behind the project went back to his studio to start working on the follow-up ‘Jezioro wspomnien’ whose title is obviously referring to a Lake in Poland.

That lake has obviously been the inspiration for both the artwork and the whole sound of the album. The sound has developed into a rather unexpected direction and I must say: t was no good idea. The psychedelic overtones, you could already notice on the debut now have taken a central role in this album’s soundscapes. Not yet in the first track, but with the second track they’re hovering through the room and they keep doing that in one or the other form for the rest of the album. The far bigger problem of these compositions is that they, after some time, have a slumberous effect on you. No offence, but I expect something more from an ambient album than a few shapeless entities that go in one ear and out the other. Take the forth track ‘Ukryty czas’ for instance that starts with a subliminal gurgling with a few distant guitars on top It just floats past you in the background, nothing remarkable, or distinct to it.. It’s almost the same thing with the following track ‘Na szczycie olbrzymiej gory’. No gurgling this time, therefore you get whispered polish vocals. On some albums, the last track comes up with some kind of big surprise, not this time. A strange mush of guitars and here and there some fragmented vocals appear.

The second album by this Polish project is no revelation. The sound quality hasn’t changed, compared to the last one; still everything is dull and undifferentiated. I know it’s still a young project and it might get better with time and I can only hope that, because that’s essential; especially in the ambient genre.


1. Kropla deszczu – 4:55
2. Niekinczaca sie opowiesc – 3:59
3. Spadajacy Lisc – 6:02
4. Ukryty czas – 5:54
5. Na szczycie olbrzymiej gory – 6:29
6. Zachod slonca – 4:42
7. Jezioro wspommiem – 5:41
8. Cisza – 6:22


Przemyslaw Rychlik – All music, production


Cover Picture


Music: 3
Sound: 3
Extras: -
Total: 3


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