Title: Songs of the Lost
Artist: Ashes You Leave
Genre: Metal / Gothic / Down-tempo
Release Date: 23rd March 2009
Label: Sleaszy Rider Records
Album Review
Everyone in the end has to decide how he wants to dispose of his body's remains. Will it be in the form of burnt ashes or buried six feet underground? These six musicians have decided upon their fate and they wish to become the formation of ASHES YOU LEAVE, leaving behind their ‘Songs of the Lost’. An assortment of tunes, a total of 9 to be precise, bring out that Gothic vibration that echoes their name throughout the album as each track plays through.
Beginning the album is ‘Apathy Overdose’, one type of overdose that’s actually good for you. This overdose of music brings out both the creepiness and mellowness of the vocalists present; having the growling undertone send chills down your spine while the mellowness tends to relaxing you. While ‘Every You Every Me’, and ‘Where the Pain is’ showcases the same methods used in the beginning, maintain that mellowness but the aggressiveness impacted. The same is followed through with ‘Soul of Ice’; this song’s bringing out the same feeling that leaves a ringing in your ear that bounces off your ear drum but leaves your body in relaxation mode. All in all, ASHES YOU LEAVE’s ‘Songs of the Lost’ loose themselves completely taking you to a whole another world of the “after life”.
01. Apathy Overdose
02. The Feast
03. Stranded
04. Song of the Lost
05. Every you Every Me
06. Taints
07. Losing Faith
08. Where the Pain Is
09. Soul of Ice
http://ashesyouleave.org/ / http://www.myspace.com/ashesyouleaveband
Cover Picture
Music: 9
Sound: 9
Extras: -
Total: 9 / 10
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