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Artist: Ghost of a chance
Title: And miles to go before I sleep
Genre: Folk / Indie / Americana
Release Date: 13th August 2010
Label: Midsummer Records

Album Review

It seems that this year’s the one of the singers / songwriters! Well, this is not a planned review… this is a review that happened accidentally! While I was searching for some new CDs in a local store, suddenly I heard a song in the background I was directly into. So I had to ask the vendor what the band’s name was and he showed me GHOST OF A CHANCE’s album ‘And miles to go before I sleep’. No doubt at all that I surely had to buy it…

GHOST OF A CHANCE is a project of Tobias Heiland, formerly known as a shouter in bands like A SAILOR´S GRAVE and PROUD YOUTH. This young man comes from a town nearby Kaiserslautern / Germany and lived in the periphery of the US airbase Ramstein. Seemed that this time was formative for his musical career, because one cannot quite locate where this music comes from - it simply doesn’t sound as if it was NOT from the United States!

10 pearls of pure and moody music get a hearing on this well composed album. You’ll definitely recognize after a short while how fondly arranged and with attention to detail the tracks are. The album contains no song that embarrasses you to skip. In my opinion, this one is really a masterpiece from Germany that doesn’t have to fear the competition of similar project from overseas! It’s the perfect soundtrack of lonesome riders, cruisers, bludger on Sunday mornings or simply for beloved ones… I’m quite looking forward to enjoying GHOST OF A CHANCE live…surprisingly there’s an occasion within reach! ;)


01. Transatlantic
02. Things Worth Asking
03. Vanilla Cigarettes
04. Swan Song
05. Ghosttown
06. Gravery
07. Live A Little
08. Hideout
09. Badlands
10. Sleeping With The Lights On


Tobias Heiland - vocals, guitars
Leo Chavez - drums / percussion
Oliver Wolf - bass guitar


Cover Picture


Music: 10
Sound: 10
Extras: -
Total: 10 / 10
