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tristate  triwiredworld part1
Artist: tri-state
Title: tri-wired world, part 1 (from sYNOPSIS to kHAOS and beyond)
Genre: Dark Electro
Release Date: 13th December 2014
Label: Self-released, in conjunction with Electro Aggression Records

Album Review

TRI-STATE is a classic dark electro act hailing from Jena, Germany, in the state of Thuringia. The band consists of Adam, Krebl and Haldor (also known as //this: tortion). Their first album, ‘Synopsis’, was released in 2001 on Pandaimonium Records. The band did not release anything further until 2013 with the release of 'Light the kHAOS within'. The band’s newest entry, ‘tri-wired world, part 1’, subtitled ‘from sYNOPSIS to kHAOS and beyond’, is a compendium featuring new material, unreleased tracks that have been updated, and remixed tracks. The album is self-released with collaboration of upstart Electro Aggression Records (EAR), a label that specializes in dark electro and old-school EBM.

The first four tracks and the last track are brand new and continue in the vein of 'Light the kHAOS within’. This is highly polished dark electro with symphonic elements, the sporadic use of female vocals (all entirely synthesized with the aid of software), atypical beats that do not fit a typical 4-on-the-floor pattern, and intricately programmed bass lines. The more mellow songs remind me of DELIRIUM. The male vocals remind me of PROJECT PITCHFORK, deep in timbre and emotive. Overall, TRI-STATE reminds me of the time of the old Celtic Circle label compilations, an era in electro-industrial when there was less conformity and standardization. Dark Electro back then was unafraid to explore different emotions instead of just trying to be hyper aggressive and evil, which seems to be the main traits of newer genres such as Hellectro and Aggrotech.

There could be some minor differences in production quality between the older re-interpreted tracks and the new ones, but overall this release is remarkably consistent from beginning to end. The release is rounded off with four remixes from RESQ, OBJECT, DISHARMONY and FRAMEWORK. Whether you enjoy the complexity of SKINNY PUPPY, the suffocating darkness of YELWORC, the gothic solemnity of PROJECT PITCHFORK or the serene soundscapes of DELIRIUM, you will doubtless find something to enjoy on this release. TRI-STATE is just one of many bands that are reviving the tradition of dark electro, along with bands such as TERMINAL STATE, DISHARMONY, PYRROLINE, OBJECT and TEAR!DOWN.


01. tHE unspoken word
02. deep insidE
03. twentyone grams
04. the black hoLE
05. rE-spawned (1st state 2001)
06. causes of DEaTH (1st state 2001)
07. maTRIcide (1st state 2002)
08. avataR (1st state 2003)
09. stonehEnGe (1st state 2009)
10. woRM oF insanITY (pained 2001)
11. distorted reality (short 2001)
12. dogma (ResQ RX 2001)
13. sYNOPSIS (hiDDen cREAtures RX by obJEcT 2002)
14. tERROR infernaliS (dISHARMONY RX 2014)
15. woRM oF insanITY (Framework RX 2014)
16. tHE lasT grain oF sand


Adam, Krebl and Haldor (also known as //this: tortion)

Website /

Cover Picture

tristate  triwiredworld part1


Music: 8
Sound: 9
Total: 8.5 / 10

Written by Erik Tomren (