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BaronessSputnikhalle, Münster, Germany
26th October 2019
Baroness & Demon Eyes

BARONESS - Stagnation is no option! The band Is just back on German stages with the new album, ‘Gold & Grey’! For BARONESS there is no other direction than forward. With their new album, they are once again breaking new ground. Germany and Austria could experience the new sound live in October 2019 at three shows in Vienna, Saarbrücken and Münster. Not so many shows in German speaking countries, so it was no surprise that the Münster show was packed!

BARONESS from Savannah, Georgia, have been on the move for over 15 years. Founded by John Baizley and Allen Blickle in 2003, the band has evolved from Punk, Metal and Hardcore to Sludge and Progressive Metal. With the debut LP, ‘Red Album’, the first respectable success came as well as the start of the never-ending concert tour, because BARONESS play a lot of shows. This life in the fast lane avenged itself on the night of 15 to 16 August 2012 when the band’s night liner crashed near the British city of Bath from a viaduct over nine meters and crew and band members were seriously injured. Although the members all recovered in the months after, Allen Blickle (drums) and Matt Maggioni (bass) left the band. Some changed occurred over the years and now, we could experience the new woman on guitar, Gina Gleason, who is providing a great deal of fresh wind and has already perfectly integrated into the line-up.

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The band’s home is the street, the stage their living room. These circumstances have allowed BARONESS to mature into an incredible live power. Shortly before they will open for VOLBEAT in Berlin on November 1, the Americans just convinced with some headliner shows which were supported by DEMON EYES from the Netherlands.

Demon Eyes

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01. A Horse Called Golgotha
02. March to the Sea
03. Borderlines
04. Seasons
05. Green Theme
06. Tourniquet
07. Can Oscura
08. Front Toward Enemy
09. Eula
10. Little Thinges
11. If I Have to Wake Up (Would You Stop the Rain?) / Fugue
12. Shock Me
13. Morningstar
14. The Gnashing
15. The Sweetest Curse
16. Isak
17. Take My Bones Away

More on Baroness