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Side-Line website knocked down for several days after cyberattack The website of the well known industrial / ebm / gothic music magazine Side-Line ( ) has been knocked down for several days after a serious cyberattack on Tuesday morning. The site was attacked from Tuesday morning (August 28th) on and finally collapsed at 10.30 AM (CET) due to a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack). Due to the damage caused at the server facility, it took the magazine's technical staff over 48 hours to restore the site and its database. "Luckily enough we have always a backup of all of the Side-Line news and forum data so that relaunching the site did not cause too much damage", says the editor in chief Bernard Van Isacker.

As of today, Thursday August 30, 11 AM (CET) the site is back up with all of the functionalities working back as they should. "There is only a minor problem that continues to persist but with a minor impact for the visitors and which we are working on right now to resolve", Van Isacker says. Side-Line wants to stress the fact that Side-Line has in NO way stopped its activities as some rumours insinuate. Van Isacker: "The (online) magazine is in an excellent condition and even such an attack will not get us down on our knees." The magazine also wants to thank War-n Harrison from trip pop band Hungry Lucy ( ) for his technical assistance in getting everything solved asap.

The magazine asks that everyone who tried to contact the magazine in the past days should re-send their mail as it is not sure that all of the incoming mail could be saved.

Source: Press Release

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