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To the release of his third book ‘Ich habe mir die Liebe abgewöhnt und bin doch weiter süchtigt’, the singer of GOETHES ERBEN and FETISCH:MENSCH hits the road for his “Seelenkonzil” book-signing tour with new texts and ideas. Oswald Henke invites to a special gathering, during which the spiritual life gets inspected, analyzed, dissected and treated; sometimes sincere and a blink later through the transfiguring window of irony. Everything is possible in the house of the soul council. You can laugh and cry; you commonly hark back or discover connecting mind games or views. Oswald Henke’s lyrics invite to think, to feel and to experience you’re not alone with your feelings, thoughts and…

15th Oct.2008 Essen - Zeche Carl
17th Oct.2008 Karlsruhe - Locco Barocco
18th Oct.2008 CH, Thun - Rittersaal Schloss Thun
19th Oct.2008 CH, Zurich - Theater Stadelhofen
21st Oct.2008 Berlin - K17
22nd Oct.2008 Leipzig - Moritzbastei
24th Oct.2008 Chemnitz - Treff am Campus
26th Oct.2008 Munich - Nerodom

Source: Newsletter

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