Thanks to the stoner gods, MONSTER MAGNET is back on tour through Germany this year, it's only a handful of gigs so be sure to be there. After their last record ‘The Last Patrol’, they re-recorded / reinvented that song material as if they were doing the record in 1968. Wyndorf got away from all the dangerous bullshit rock stars do all the time and emerged stronger, louder and...with added fuzz and wah. The guys around the space lord will be supported on all dates by Sweden`s BOMBUS another awesome rock band.
This surely will be an exciting tour. And we are giving away 5x2 tickets the shows mentioned:
3 Feb Germany, Frankfurt, Batschkapp
4 Feb Germany, Munich, Backstage Werk
8 Feb Germany, Oberhausen, Turbinenhalle
17 Feb Germany, Saarbrucken, Garage
25 Feb Germany, Bremen, Schlachthof
26 Feb Germany, Hanover, Capitol halfhouse
27 Feb Germany, Dresden, Reithalle
You chose the city you want to join! If you wanna take part in the raffle, please send an email until 25th January with the headline "Monster Magnet" to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include following information:
- Full Name
- City of Concert you want to join
Good luck!