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script6 orgiasticparadise
Artists: Script 6
Title: Orgiastic Paradise
Genre: Electro / Wave
Release: 14th January 2013
Label Popbeat Music Cologne

Review Flash

Strange, although the electronic genre isn´t my cup of tea actually I like what the Cologne based one-man-project did on ‘Orgiastic Paradise’. It has that pleasing sinister and threateningly seducing atmosphere, unveiling some enticing kind of beauty in the bleakness of their dystopian soundscapes. It feels monochrome and septic in the synthetically sonic ducts, but it´s far from being stylistically constricted. Vangelis-like towers of sounds, rusty interferences and chrome-like frequencies, trance-like patterns of archaic rhythms, full charged distorted guitars… it is all but predictable and I have to confess: It is a joy flowing through it, feeling achromatically holographic, oxidized and strung out between sound and space.

Conclusion: One of the more interesting electronic outputs that crossed my way over the last while. A weirdly and catching mixture of Wave, Industrial, Pop and Ambient, tied together by a strangely thrilling atmosphere of threatening bleakness and seducing gloominess. Honey for the lucifugous ones. Seems I like it.

Rating: 7 / 10

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