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K17, Berlin, Germany
17th November 2006
The Crüxshadows and Ego Likeness

During their extensive European tour, THE CRÜXSHADOWS also stopped in the German capital Berlin for a gig in the legendary K17 club. The concert took place in the context of the “Dark Celebration” party with different DJs presenting all styles of dark music. This was a good chance for an after show party once the concert was over. What could be better for a Friday night?

Ego Likeness

EGO LIKENESS, also from USA, were playing the support slot for THE CRÜXSHADOWS. /

Gentle whispered female vocals, over floating with emotions, are transmitting the triumph and pain expressed in the lyrics of EGO LIKENESS. But all in all, the songs differed not enough for my taste.

The US-band consists of three members – front woman in the middle accompanied from a guitar player standing right of her and the keyboard player on her left side (from the audience view). While the keyboard player was behaving in a calm way, the guitarist with glow sticks in his hair freaked out totally. In the flow of the show, he took one stick after the other out of his hair and threw them into the audience which gave excited applause to the whole band at the end of the show.

Music: 6
Performance: 5
Sound: 6
Light: 8
Total: 6

The Crüxshadows

THE CRÜXSHADOWS were founded in the beginning of the 90s in a small town in Northern Florida. Today they belong to the best known Electro-Wave bands on this world. Lots of critics did not like them; their often bewailed success was seen as an odd thing – even though there was a big and true following. Their success is no miracle. With its easily accessible and pleasing sound, the unique music of THE CRÜXSHADOWS crosses the borders of the Dance and Club scene. THE CRÜXSHADOWS are Rogue (vocals, songwriting), Rachel McDonnell (violin, keyboard), George Bikos (live-guitar), Jen Jawidzik (live-keyboard) and the dancers Jessica Lackey und Sarah Poulos. /

The pleasant and romantic sound of the electric violin, played by Rachel McDonnell, as well as the firm and sometimes trenchant guitar play of George Bikos offer as wide musical range for THE CRÜXSHADOWS. These in combination with the cold digital world Jen is creating with her keyboard and the melancholic chant of front man, founder and lead singer Rogue guarantee for the uniqueness of the band. Today, also the two dancers are wearing microphones and are taking over parts of the backing vocals.

The show started like often before: While the musicians and the dancers were appearing in stage, Rogue came from the back of the venue singing his song and blazing his trail through the audience onto the stage. Actually, he was more often within the audience than on stage. For every song he surprised with a new presentation of his own person – climbing up the fences, dancing with fans in the audience or just simply on stage reaching out for the hands of his fans who over and over again reached their hands in the air. Several times he just walked through the audience and hugged every fan close to him while he was singing the songs. In between, Rogue also gave some “German lessons” where the listeners could take part in the improvement he took during the last years.

The last song of the show was presented together with the support band EGO LIKENESS who were pleased again onto stage by front man Rogue. But that was not everything; the fans in the first rows were pleased to stage by the band to sing and dance there together. It was a fantastic picture; I rarely experienced such a mood and so much energy. Right after the concert, front man Rogue was signing autographs at the merchandising stand where he took a lot of time for any single fan: small talk, personal dedications, photo sessions or hugs for anyone being present there.

Music: 8
Performance: 10
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 8.6

Pics by Grit Rümmler