15th March 2007
Eric Fish - "Gegen den Strom" - Tour
The border of the stage was filled with candles - a few of them on the floor, some of them on the tables with red clothes. The room was full of a mystic and romantic atmosphere. We were caught at the "Gegen den Strom" - Tour of ERIC FISH at the Kulturbrauerei Berlin. You can join them at following dates, too:
12.05. Bad Oeynhausen - Begegnungszentrum Druckerei / 13.05. Magdeburg - Festung Mark

ERIC FISH was taking part in the final competition of “East-Germany-new-generation-motivators” in 1988. At the same time he bought his first bagpipe. He is also member of SUBWAY TO SALLY since 1991 and front man of that band since 1995. In 1999 he started with his solo project. Uwe Nordwig (guitar, vocals), Rainer Michalek (guitar, harmonica, vocals) and Gerit Hecht (sound, keyboard), who joined him for that project, are his friends and soul related. http://www.ericfish.de/

The music of Uwe, Rainer, Gerit and Eric is soulful music with a “goose bump feeling”. The lyrics animate to think about life and other little but important things. The wonderful sounding words speak out what many people feel deep in their hearts. The Kesselhaus (Kulturbrauerei) was filled with a lot of people. The show started with a little delay but with an alarm clock initiating the intro music at 9:00pm. The credo of the evening was the second song "Komm lass uns teilen". The audience was inspired to sing the known "DaDaDaDaDei...". So the hall was filled with a warm and gregariously atmosphere.

A break of 20 minutes intermitted the concert with an overall length of 3 hours. It was a little bit too much for that kind of music. There was no other voice (like a woman), that was loosening the slowly and lyrical music. After that break everyone of the band started solo performances, initiating with Eric... In addition Eric pointed out the Fan-Meeting. It will be at 11th and 12th august 2007. You can join, if you visit the homepage http://www.ericfish.de. In a few days you will find information about location etc.

Some chairs were built up at the stage. Eric, Uwe, Rainer and Gerit sat on them for the whole evening. The audience was sitting in front of the stage. Far back the fans were sitting on chairs too. Eric made a little game. Two of the fans had the right answer of the question he asked. The win was a bottle of whiskey. They drank a tiny gulp on stage. The band dished the dinner for the audience on a little table in back of the hall. They could eat some bread and sour gherkins. A funny and individual gesture! :)

01. Anders sein
02. Deine Tage
03. Glotze
04. Im Spiegel
05. Sags
06. Traumfänger
07. Komm mit mir
08. Sommerregen
09. Gedankenhaus
10. Es kommt der Tag
11. Fazit
12. 100 Jahre
13. Nägel im Kopf
14. Kleine Schwester
15. Schönheit
16. Am Strand
17. Dornröschen
18. Dein Garten
19. Der Schrei
12. Schneewitchen
Music 9
Performance 7
Sound 9
Light 6
Total: 8

All pictures by Nadine Ginzel