Title: Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
Artist: Belphegor
Genre: Black/Death Metal
Release Date: 9th October 2009
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Album Review
When it comes to the differences between black metal and death metal, there aren't really much difference between the two to begin with. The music styling is the same, fast pacing guitar leads with energetic solos keeping the music in place while the vocalist either screeches or growls until blood has sprawled everywhere in sight. So what happens when the two are fussing together… such force it cannot be contained any further? Well one word comes to mind, BELPHEGOR.
BELPHEGOR has emerged as one of the most extreme black / death metal combos to ever set foot upon the metal surface, let alone have the band members themselves describe their "hellride" as an "Supreme Death / Black Metal Art”. But this hasn't stopped their domain musical chaos just yet, having gone through a collection of EPs, LPs, and DVDs as most bands tend to produce. The band has come to unleash the latest instalment within their collection called ‘Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn’.
Nine songs that bypass everything that their music stands for taken back their musical creations and burning it alive, by which ‘Hail The New Flesh’, ‘The Crosses Made Of Bone’ and ‘Enthralled Toxic Sabbath’ are left within the ashes. These so-called ashes breathing in the absolute darkness that BELPHEGOR has been determined to produce - the music played throughout these chosen songs consists of nothing more than your basic black / death duties, from fast enraging guitar leads to breakdown solos that get overrun by the chorus chaos of the vocalist’s workmanship. The music keeps itself motivated throughout from start to finish maintaining an ever-lasting “fresh” sensation that echoes as each riff or lyric is taken apart, making BELPHEGOR’s ‘Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn’ have the rights it truly deserves.
01. Walpurgis Rites
02. Veneratio Diaboli - I Am Sin
03. Hail the New Flesh
04. Reichswehr in Blood
05. The Crosses Made Of Bone
06. Der Geistertreiber
07. Destroyer Hekate
08. Enthralled Toxic Sabbath
09. Hexenwahn - Totenkult
Line up
http://www.belphegor.at/ / http://www.myspace.com/belphegor
Cover Picture

Music: 9
Sound: 9
Extras: -
Total: 9 / 10