Artist: The Ghost Effect
Title: The Ghost Effect
Genre: Alternative / Gothic / Indie
Release Date: March 2011
Label: Breakdown Records
Album Review
THE GHOST EFFECT came into existence in 2005 in Italy. They are a quirky outfit who find their symbolism in seeing humanity as a haunting of “ghosts, a pale memory of ourselves lost forever in front of our TV sets like the photographic effect of the XIX century”. Take that with the humorous and witty side that they seem to have in their artistic arsenal.
In sound, the singing strikes me as a new-day SIOUXSIE SIOUX, not just in the similar tone of the voice but also the dramatic emphasis, albeit with less attitude and confidence, a softer ‘version’. As for the music itself, it’s a quiet, subdued affair, moody but the mood seems evolving around a stable axis, rather than encountering too much of the various degrees of emotive scale. Even here you’ll find something from SIOUXSIE’s band, The BANSHEES, yet less memorable, less dramatic, and less catchy. There are some interesting lyrics, especially in ‘The Ghost Parade’.’The Fall of the Man of the Moment’ is another strong point with its soft and measured atmospheric nature, which still possesses a bit of verve, the keyboards and ethereal vocal here make it quite wonderful, its vagueness corresponds to a repeated phrase “I don’t remember”. ‘Dark Side’ and ‘Notes For The End’ are of the liveliest kind and their more pronounced liveliness is certainly welcomed, though the former is too reminiscent of SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES whereas in most of the other tracks it’s more absorbed.
Although the album has some interesting aspects and exceptional moments to it, and is enjoyable in an easy-to-relax-to-it way, it’s not very strong and self-defined. It doesn’t hold attention enough for me to come back to it, and it’s more than likely to make its exit from memory quite soon. It’s too lukewarm, too many of the parts sink into one whole... too monotone, if you look at most of the 19th century photos, they might be black and white or sepia, but hold more life and allure to them.
01. My Black Regret – 4.40
02. Korsakoff Syndrome – 4.52
03. Submission – 6.06
04. The Ghost Parade – 4.55
05. The Fall of the Man of the Moment – 4.01
06. The Dark Side – 4.31
07. Say No – 5.37
08. Friendly Fire – 4.03
09. Notes For The End – 3.34
10. Goodbye Tomorrow – 6.34
Laura - The Kewpie Doll
Davide - The King’s Hat
Claudio - The Plastic Man
Enrico - The Fading Nobleman
Websites /
Cover Picture
Music: 7
Sound: 7
Total: 7 / 10
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