E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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Interview with

Morgan Lander (vocals, guitar) of Kittie

I’ve got a chance to interview Morgan, vocalist, guitarist and one of the founding members of all-female heavy metal formation KITTIE catching up with her via email. For me it was the first and quite interesting experience of interviewing someone in that way. So we talked a bit about the band’s new album ‘In the Black’, its conception and the process of its creation also touched upon some other subjects, like anger, dreams, fame and money. Read the article below for the details.

Reflections of Darkness (RoD): The very first question, rather banal, but at the same time vital: what does music mean to you?
Morgan: I know in a way it is very cliché, but music truly is my life. Creating and playing music is all I have ever done really and all I have ever known. I have been in this band more than half of my life, it is my spirit, and it gives me purpose. It is my therapy and my outlet. Music is my strength and my weakness.

RoD: ‘In the Black’ differs qualitatively from your previous works and raises the band to a much higher level. So do you think all your ideas were fulfilled with this release or maybe it was possible to add something else to make the album even better?
Morgan: I am always thrilled with the completion of an album and usually am fairly satisfied with the way things turn out as soon as we are finished. However, being the perfectionist that I am, there are always little things that I wish I could go back and re-do or change things once I have had time to absorb the contents of the album.

RoD: What are your impressions after working on ‘In the Black’?
Morgan: I really feel like this album is the beginning of a new life for this band. It is the beginning of a change in direction, and a change in our outlook on things and a shift within the band. It just feels like we have finally found ourselves and we will continue on this new improved path.

RoD: What comes first: music or lyrics?
Morgan: I guess it really depends. Usually I have a lot of lyrical ideas written down prior to writing for an album, and once the music is done I try to take a lot of those written down elements and fit them into the songs. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t, and I will write the lyrics after the music for a song is complete.

RoD: Please, tell us a bit about the conception of the album.
Morgan: This album was written over a fairly lengthy period of time, although most of the songs were just fragments and ideas until we were able to really put our heads together and write in late 2008. We went into an amazing studio owned by a friend of ours named Sigfreid Meyer in Goderich Ontario that winter, and stayed for 3 weeks to record ‘In the Black’. It was an amazing experience, as there were really no outside pressures involved.

RoD: Are your songs autobiographical?
Morgan: Indeed, they are. All of our songs are about experiences and situations that I find myself in, as well as Mercedes, who also writes lyrics for the band.

RoD: What is your favourite song on the new CD? Or songs if there are several?
Morgan: There are so many songs that I love on the new album. I love ‘My Plague’, ‘Sorrow I Know’, ‘Forgive and Forget’… There are too many, I love all of them!

RoD: ‘Die My Darling’ attracts with its explicit aggression and it engenders several specific questions. So with whom did you last get angry?
Morgan: Well as for the song, in its simplest form, it is about hoping that someone you detest gets what they deserve. And honestly there haven’t been a lot of people that have made me angry lately. But when I do get mad, they will know about it!

RoD: What is your weapon of choice?
Morgan: I think swords work rather well.

RoD: What is your pet peeve?
Morgan: Invasion of privacy, and stupid questions haha.

RoD: Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
Morgan: It all depends on who, and what the situation is. Sometimes I can let things go very easily, but in other instances I have held grudges for years. I guess it all boils down to the circumstance and whether you catch me on a good day or not haha!

RoD: What are you afraid of most of all?
Morgan: Failure, and not knowing what the future holds for me.

RoD: What inspires you?
Morgan: I am driven by emotion and inspired to create by hate…

RoD: What is your favourite music? What bands are you listening to now?
Morgan: I love metal music, but I think you would be surprised to learn that I have everything from KINGS OF LEON to THE VERONICAS in my iPod. I am currently still in love with the latest BEHEMOTH album ‘Evangelion’.

RoD: Creative people are usually very difficult. How do you manage to get along together in the band, especially during a tour?
Morgan: Well it has taken a very long time to get the combination of people right! We have a great time on tour! It is all about common goals and chemistry. If everyone wants the same thing for the band and believes it can be achieved then usually things are harmonious within the band. It also helps that everyone is respectful or each other and really laid back.

RoD: Do you have a mascot?
Morgan: Hahaha not really.

RoD: By the way does the band have any motto?
Morgan: Not really, but ‘time to make the donuts’ seems to be tossed around a lot when we are getting ready to hit the stage.

RoD: What do you do in your free time if you have it? What are your hobbies?
Morgan: I love to work out. I hit the gym frequently. I love watching TV and reading.

RoD: What can you advice to starting musicians wishing to attain success in heavy metal?
Morgan: Practice your asses off and always stay true to yourselves. Trust no one!

RoD: Do you have any dreams or goals which are not connected with music? What are they?
Morgan: To try and not go crazy haha!

RoD: If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?
Morgan: I would give some to my Mom and My sister. Then I’d keep the rest and pay some bills!

RoD: Would you rather be rich, or famous?
Morgan: Rich definitely.

RoD: What one thing have you done that you're most proud of?
Morgan: I’ve managed to live through 27 years of an amazing life! I’ve travelled the world and touched so many lives with our music. I think that is something to be proud of.

RoD: If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?
Morgan: I’m not sure I would ever trade places with anyone ever, but maybe I would pick Lady Gaga for a few days so I could wear some crazy shit!

RoD: What was the most unexpected gift from fans?
Morgan: Usually the most unexpected gift isn’t even a tangible thing. I have received amazing gifts like clothes, jewellery, even a 400 year old bible, but honestly the best gift is when someone shares their story with you and really pours their heart out to you about how you have helped them with your music.

RoD: And finally, please, say a couple of words to your fans.
Morgan: Thank you so much for all of your love and support over the years. We honestly appreciate each and every one of you. ‘In the Black’ is in stores now… WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!


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