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Tivoli, Utrecht, The Netherlands
March 28th 2005
The Dillinger Escape Plan and Textures

Just one day after Paaspop The Dillinger Escape Plan and Textures were on the road again, this time to Utrecht, Tivoli. In a warm venue with better lights and more fans in the audience they performed and brought the audience quite an impressive show.


Last year this band came out of nothing with their album 'Polars' and quickly built their name in the dutch metal scene which resulted in playing as support for big names: Meshuggah, Soulfly and The Dillinger Escape Plan. They hardly had time to recover from the Paaspop festival but it was time to play again this time under better circumstances; a warm venue with better lights and less mud.

Jochem Jacobs (vocals) seems to have mastered many ways to use his voice, he can grunt, sing with a raw sound in his voice, scream and sing with a normal voice. What makes Textures so special is the excitement in their long songs. The progressive thrash-like songs don’t get boring and are brought with much enthusiasm. The bass is what makes this music rock, it gives it an extra dimension. The sound is much better than at Paaspop and definitely does them more justice. This young band keeps growing and growing and will definitely get their name out there.


The keyboard player of Textures has his own performance on stage, he is standing in a corner which is hardly lit singing along and completely living in his own world, which is a pleasure to look at. They all seem to have fun and move around the stage with a lot of energy, the stage is almost too small to hold them. They even give the audience two thumbs up to show their appreciation. The audience is enthusiastic and Textures seems to be the perfect opener for this evening. The lights were ok, but they could have done with a bit more front light, the band being hard to see while moving around like maniacs.


Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 6
Total  7 (6,8)


The Dillinger Escape Plan

On Easter Monday Tivoli filled up with fans of The Dillinger Escape Plan. It was the third time in one year that they visited Holland to promote their album ‘Miss Machine’, so you could say, they like it here. This time they were in our country for four dates and today it was the final date over here to create some war. By the time the concert started the venue was quite full and it was time for some really heavy music.


Their first official album 'Calculating Infinity' hit the metal scene like a bomb in 1999 and they introduced a whole new music style: jazzy math metal. The pressure was high, but they enriched their sound with the album 'Miss Machine' and a new singer: Greg, and so it is clear that The Dillinger Escape Plan is not just a one day fly. They have song titles such as ‘Baby’s Frst Coffin’ and ‘Sunshine the Werewolf’ which make you very curious about their lyrics.  Sometimes they blow you away with loud and heavy metal but this is alternated by the soft and sensitive singing of Greg. The mixture of these extremes gives this music an extra dimension; it adds depth to the songs. This is not just mind blowing metal, it is real intelligent music. The sound was much better than on Paaspop and did their music more justice.


It was cool to see that the band did sound check their own stuff and were not to lazy to do so. The band started with a jazzy intro and Greg hit the audience almost literally with the first tones of ‘Panasonic Youth’. Greg is one of the most energetic people I have even seen on stage. He jumps on the drum set of Cris and jumps about two meters high when walking up against the walls on the side of the stage. The entire band had a huge amount of energy. Ben Weinman (guitarist) is the most striking of all. He is jumping around the stage, jumping on to the monitors and sometimes even falling into the audience. One time he was falling into the audience (on our photographer), when they pushed him back and he landed on his back and just lay there still playing his guitar. There were a lot of fans in the venue and Greg sometimes reached into the audience to let someone sing along. It’s unbelievable to see with how much energy this band play their difficult music: they’re just multi-talented eye catchers. The lights were ok, but they could have added more to the energy of this show. Although that might have been an overkill.


Music 9
Performance 9
Sound 8
Light 7
Total 9 (8.6)


More articles about The Dillinger Escape Plan

Concert Review - Paaspop, Schijndel 2005

More articles about Textures

Concert Review - Paaspop, Schijndel 2005