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papillondenuit amber
Artist: Papillon De Nuit
Title: Amber
Genre: Ambient / Gothic / Dark Folk / Spoken Word
Release Date: 10th December 2024
Label: Self Released

Song Review

PAPILLION DE NUIT is the newly forged project conjured up by Yorkshire based vocalist / instrumentalist / writer Stephen Kennedy and percussionist Rob Pearson. PAPILLION DE NUIT are cross genre and incorporate Gothic, Dark Folk, Ambient and Spoken Word all brought together in a cauldron filled with a mixed bag of musicians playing different instruments. Stephen Kennedy is the focal point and the project centres around his song writing and arrangements. There are many songs in the making, the first song released is the aforementioned ‘Amber’ of which I shall offer up my first impressions now...

It starts like the beginning of a Gallic afternoon rainstorm. Spot by spot of rain hitting the ground, getting faster, not quite a deluge, the vocals offering up a cleansing wash shhhhhh, Then the piano alludes to specs of light piercing through black and grey clouds, the vocal spreading slow like the solar winter warmth. There's also a freshness about it. Not only due to the production but also due to it being a short and sweet composition that conjures up memories, the passing of time and an acute appreciation of now, right in this moment. I feel it! A very succinct debut methinks, what’s next, I wonder?


Stephen Kennedy: Words / Music / Piano / Additional Instrumentation
Monica Wolfe: Additional Poetry


Cover Picture


Music: 8
Sound: 8
Total: 8 / 10