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Hellendoorn, The Netherlands
May 17th, 2007
One Bullet Left, Keith Caputo, The Answer, Leaves' Eyes, Jay Reatard, Within Temptation, Kreator

Every year, on Ascension Day, a festival is held in the east of The Netherlands. It's known for its very early start in the morning, and that's also why it's called "Dauwpop". This name refers to the Dutch expression: "Getting up before day and dew". The gates are opened at 8.30 a.m. and shortly after that the first band already starts playing. I decided not to be there that early, because I had to pick up some people on the road and the trip would be more than one hour and a half to drive. The most interesting bands, the bands we'll discuss in this review, would play later that day.


One Bullet Left (by MD)

The first interesting band we visited was One Bullet Left, maybe the youngest talented metalband we know in The Netherlands. It consists of four boys with an average age of 14 years old. Well if this wouldn't make people curious! This band was formed in September 2006. The members are Thijs Brinkhuis (15, guitars), Dennis Woltjer (16, vocals, guitars), Yorick Woltjer (14, drums) and Rik Overmars (12, bass). With their band they were positively picked up by the media and with their talent it's not difficult for them to fill up their agenda with gigs. For the first time they now stood on this renowned festival, Dauwpop.

From the first notes it was clear that this was a band with balls. In the beginning they sounded a little insecure though, although that's understandable for a young band like this. This was one of the first times they stood on a big festival. But soon they regained control and played a set of mid-tempo death metal. They played a cover from Deep Purple (Smoke On The Water) for the "oldies" in the audience. But most of the time they played their own material. In my opinion there was not much variation and the music didn't sound renewing. The guitarriffs were simple, but the music still sounded like a solid whole and at least it made people jump and they even created a moshpit. The vocalist sounded as a proficient frontman. With his raw grunts and screams it seemed like he had experience for many years already. It was clear that this starting band has potential to grow, literally and figuratively.

In the beginning the bandmembers eyed a little nervous on this large stage, but when they noticed that they got positive feedback from the audience they seemed to relax a little and started to rock the stage. Inbetween the songs the singer talked shortly with the audience and with the realisation that he and his bandmates were very young he sometimes made fun of themselves and the audience like when he announced they were going to play "Smoke On The Water" for the oldies... Yes, nearly everyone in the audience was old in their eyes! They did their best to look sturdy so people would NOT find them cute at all, but it was still funny to see the bassplayer for example with his instrument being bigger than himself.

Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Lights 6
Total 7 (6,8)

Keith Caputo (by EE)

A performance of the front man of Life of Agony is something different from a LoA concert, it's his own work. Coming from the bottom of his soul, deep, black and very intense. Keith has released quite a few albums so far and is currently working on a new one.

Of course the setlist mainly consists of solo work but not all the songs he plays at venues is suitable for a tent on a festival so he has kept some slower songs out of the setlist for today. Still this doesn't leave you with loud rock music but it's good music to listen to and the voice of Keith makes it feel warm, angry or hart broken, depending on the song he's singing. Special touch is the LoA song 'Angry Tree' which sounds great in the way he sings it this time.

Keith is a very talented performer, very expressive and his moves just amplify his words. No holding back on showing his emotions and his interaction with both the band and the audience is very good. During the last part of the concert Keith even jumps off the stage and climbs onto the barriers and screams from the top of his lungs the words he has written himself. Again Keith Caputo shows that you get an impressive concert when you come and see him, so go see him if you have a chance.

Music: 9
Performance: 10
Sound: 7
Light: 7
Total: 9

The Answer (by EE)

The and was former in 2000 but really kicked off in 2005 when voted 'Best new band' bij the 'Classic Rock' magazine. They've toured with bands like Whitesnake and released their first album 'Rise' in 2006.

The resemblance with other rock bands is easy to be made here. If you like bands like Deep Purple, then this band is certainly worth checking out. But not just that because the voice of singer Cormac Neeson shows resemblance with the Counting Crows for example. This very talented band from Ireland manages to keep the attention by skilfully playing blues rock and hard rock, mixed or alternating in just one concert, and that mix is special and very nice to listen to.

It looks like the band is surely having fun although Cormac is most of the time hidden behind his hair. One can however clearly see that he's totally focussed on his music, so for interaction with the audience the rest of the band kicks in. It's hard for a band playing this music to make a real show during the daytime with all the daylight spoiling any real light effects but with the options they have, the show is quite adequate.

Music: 9
Performance: 7
Sound: 7
Lights: 7
Total: 8

Leaves' Eyes (by MD)

This band was formed in 2003 by the members of Atrocity. Liv Kristine had just been fired from the band Theatre Of Tragedy for reasons that are still unclear to her. Together with her husband Alexander Krull, who is lead-singer of the German band Atrocity, and the rest of the bandmembers they formed the band Leaves' Eyes. Leaves' Eyes combines metal with gothic, classical and folk elements and often the love for Norway, where Liv comes from, runs through the music as a leading thread. Recently Leaves' Eyes had played as a support act for the American band Kamelot and at the moment they were still touring through Europe. The bandmembers are Liv Kristine Espenæs Krull (vocals), Thorsten Bauer (guitar), Mathias Röderer (guitar), Moritz Neuner (drums), Christian Lukhaup (bass), Alexander Krull (add. vocals / grunts)

In March this year this band started their European tour in The Netherlands and now they were back to do a show at Dauwpop. They entered the stage with full enthusiasm, without any trace of exhaustion. The high frequency of touring had worked out well. On stage it was clear that the bandmembers understood each other. Especially the soft and pure voice from Liv in combination with the raw, dark grunts from her hubbie Alex gave an extra dimension to their show, as if they represented the duelling of light and darkness. The setlist was very balanced. Up-tempo songs were altered with ballads. The song Norwegian Lovesong was partly performed acoustically with Alex who had taken place behind the percussions. The band captured the audience's attention with songs like The Crossing, Farewell Proud Men and ended with one of the public's favourites Elegy.

The experienced bandmembers interacted very well and were able to hold the attention of the audience the whole set. Leaves' Eyes is known as a band with a friendly personality, as well on stage as off stage who never forget who their true fans are. On stage they made a lot of contact with the audience. Liv looked gracious in her red Japanese kimono-like dress. She repeatedly looked and smiled at people standing in the front rows, giving them some personal attention. She even posed for photographers at times. Alex was running around the stage like a madman, whipping up the audience. The other bandmembers showed themselves as well, but acted in a more modest way. The lights were atmospherical and bright at the same time, but most of the time skyblue colours were used. Some more variation in colours wouldn't hurt, but the performance of the bandmembers themselves made that less important.

Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 8
Lights 7
Total 8 (7,8)

Jay Reatard (by EE)

A garage punk musician from the USA, formerly playing in bands like the Reatards and The Lost Sounds and currently working on his solo carreer. He has so far released one solo album called 'Blood Visions'.

Well it's some form of punk so what do you expect. It's played loud, wild and hard, just lean and mean punk without much ado. But the music somehow doesn't stick to the minds of the listeners and it appaers that Jay's music isn't what the audience would like to hear. After all, in the mean time Within Temptation is playing and they are playing for a full tent.

For some reason Jay Reatard is busy trying to work the few people in the tent right out of it. He's just looking straight ahead with no show what so ever. When it comes to recognising his talent it may be that he himself holds it in much higher regard than the audience and that must have pissed him off. He permaturely stops his concerts showing disrepect for those few in the tent still watching him. It's sad...

Music: 7
Performance: 1
Sound: 6
Light: 6
Total: 4

Within Temptation (by MD)

Nominated for the fourth time in a row as the best Dutch musical export product, Within Temptation is abroad a lot, performing and doing lots of promotion work. So they would not be able to do many shows in The Netherlands. Their fame keeps growing through Europe and now they had set foot in North-America, being a "hot topic" there. For the first time they did a series of shows there, together with the Italian band Lacuna Coil. The day after their final show in Canada the band had to fly back home and make themselves ready for the Dauwpop festival. Of course the question was if they were able to give an acceptable performance, suffering from a jetlag. The bandmembers are: Sharon den Adel (vocals), Robert Westerholt (guitars), Ruud Jolie (guitars), Jeroen van Veen (bass), Martijn Spierenburg (keyboards) and Stephen van Haestregt (drums).

When the first notes of "A Solemn Hour", a song from their new cd, sounded though the speakers the band entered the stage. With full energy and enthusiasm they got through their setlist, mostlycontaining songs from their new album "The Heart Of Everything" and a few songs from "Mother Earth" and "The Silent Force". They'd had a great time in America and it was clear they had brought that positive vibe with them, back to The Netherlands. Sharon sounded strong, but at times she wasn't able to reach the highest notes. Ruud was given a more prominent role as a lead-guitarist because most songs of "The Heart Of Everything" contain stronger guitar parts. During "What Have You Done" Keith Caputo entered the stage. It was now the first time Sharon and Keith would sing this duet together. This was the moment many people had been waiting for. Keith had stood on stage earlier that day and I heard from people who saw him he gave a good concert, but he was suffering from a severe thoatache. This also showed during his duet with Within Temptation, where he had problems with singing his parts and screaming was totally out of the question now. For the people who didn't know that their high expectations about this duet had turned into a big disappointment when he just "sang along" with the tape. I'd say we should give him another chance when these professional artists have the opportunity to stand on stage together again.

The stage was decorated with a few firebowls which were lit just before the show started. In the back two black griffins were placed. On the intro of "A Solemn Hour" the bandmembers entered the stage and after the first lines  Sharon entered the stage in a creamy white dress. It was an energetic start which was kept high during the whole set. As always when Sharon spotted familiar faces in the audience, she gave those certain people a little personal attention by looking at them for a while and that also gave some comfort to herself to ease her nerves a little bit. One of the fans was celebrating his birthday and Sharon even put a birthday cap, which was given her, on her head. Ruud was also good at keeping eye-contact with the audience and smiled when he saw familiar faces. Robert didn't seem to make much contact with the audience besides his commentary inbetween a few songs, but from the corner of his eyes he was very well aware of what was happening during playing. Most of the time he was running and jumping around on stage. When Keith Caputo entered the stage it looked somewhat funny how Sharon and he were standing next to each other. Keith is so small he looked like a dwarf next to Sharon. Besides the firebowls there weren't any fireworks this time but that wasn't disturbing at all, for the band was very well capable of keeping the audience awake and at work all the time.

01. Our Solemn Hour
02. The Howling
03. Frozen
04. Stand My Ground
05. Forsaken
06. What Have You Done
07. The Heart of Everything
08. Mother Earth
09. See Who I Am
10. Angels
11. Hand Of Sorrow
12. Deceiver Of Fools
13. Ice Queen+Outro

Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 6
Lights 7
Total 8 (7,5)

Kreator (by MD)

The final act on this festval was the thrash metal band Kreator, which has found its roots in Germany in the beginning of the Eighties. With a few ups and downs in the beginning this band is a steady factor in the metalscene nowadays. Kreator is known for its never diminishing energy. When you're checking their touring schedule it's stunning to see how busy they are. With a concert planned almost every day they leave themselves no time for a short break. The bandmembers are Mille Petrozza (guitar & vocals), Jürgen Reil (drums), Christian Giesler (bass) and Sami Yli-Sirniö

Because the previous band Volbeat wasn't able to play because their equipment was still at the airport, Kreator started their show about fifteen minutes earlier. They started "slow" with some material from their album "Violent Revolution" but soon the speed was turned up and the audience was served with up-tempo thrash with strong guitarriffs. They played a selection of songs from albums they made though the years, like "Pleasure To Kill", "Enemy Of God", "Some Pain Will Last" and "Europe After The Rain". The audience was having a great time and large moshpit was formed in the middle of the crowd. After about 75 minutes the band left the stage and returned with 2 encores: "Flag Of Hate" and "Tormentor". Mille's screams were bonechilling and at times his voice could be compared with the voice of AC/DC singer Brian Johnson. But Mille sounded way more aggressive and it was like he was angry at the audience, screaming sentences like " What the fuck is wrong with you people". He was showing some bad attitude when criticizing the well-known band Slayer, while he himself held up his forked fingers. Of course it was all part the show and the audience loved it. The overall sound was balanced but way too loud, which would definitely cause hearing problems when not wearing earplugs.

The stage was decorated with backdrops containing images froim their latest album "Enemy Of God" (revisited), a woman's body with a skull as a head and more skulls on the background. With Mille's bonechilling voice it was almost impossible to fall asleep and inbetween the songs he was constantly whipping up and cursing at the "lazy" audience if they didn't move enough in his opinion. He used the word "fuck" so often it started to get annoying. The audience didn't seem to care and went totally crazy on the music, jumping and bouncing around. Mille had his microphone placed in a high position, which gave him a little arrogant look, towering high above the audience. The other bandmembers were freaking around on stage and it was clear they were enjoying the whole. During most shows from thrash and death metal bands lots of red colours are used. So not during this show. They were more creative with it. It was an abundant lightshow with a large variety of colours and lighteffects. This gave a nice finishing touch to the show.

Music 6
Performance 7
Sound 7
Lights 8
Total  7 (6,8)

More photos on page 2