29th June to 1st July
I was sitting in the car, driving towards Leipzig and it started raining. Was this supposed to be the beginning of a cold and rainy festival? Actually, it was not. The sky cleared up soon afterwards and I was ready to start the WITH FULL FORCE 2007. With bands like CANNIBAL CORPSE, CALIBAN, KORN and AMON AMARTH it was promised to be a fantastic festival.
BRUJERIA is a death-grind band. Their name comes from a Spanish word meaning "witchcraft". Their Satanic, narcotic, and masked attitude have been their passport to success, although they have recently performed live at locations across the United States and Latin America. Their songs, which are sung entirely in Spanish, are focused on Satanism, anti-Christianity, sex, immigration, narcotics smuggling, and politics and also include lyrics about killing Whites. BRUJERIA are admittedly a side-project of founding member and Asesino stalwart Dino Cazares, and has featured artists such as BILLI GOULD, NICHOLAS BARKER, RAYMOND HERRERA, JEFF WALKER, and SHANE EMBURY. They perform under pseudonyms and portray themselves as a Latino band consisting of drug lords, concealing their identities due to being wanted by the FBI. Their lineup has changed over time, however, and could be different at any point in time.
Dino Cazares and Nicholas Barker quit BRUJERIA on January 26, 2004. BRUJERIA have recently resurfaced with two new members and will begin touring soon. Asesino's band is still going strong, and Asesino himself describes the band as the new Brujeria, because he claims that Juan Brujo was the reason BRUJERIA demised. Despite their unconventional career thus far, BRUJERIA have built a large fan base within the metal underground. BRUJERIA are tentatively scheduled to release their fourth full-length studio album sometime in 2007, but details about it are unknown. http://www.brujeria.com/
BRUJERIA is a death-grind band. Their name comes from a Spanish word meaning "witchcraft". Their Satanic, narcotic, and masked attitude have been their passport to success, although they have recently performed live at locations across the United States and Latin America. Their songs, which are sung entirely in Spanish, are focused on Satanism, anti-Christianity, sex, immigration, narcotics smuggling, and politics and also include lyrics about killing Whites. BRUJERIA are admittedly a side-project of founding member and Asesino stalwart Dino Cazares, and has featured artists such as BILLI GOULD, NICHOLAS BARKER, RAYMOND HERRERA, JEFF WALKER, and SHANE EMBURY. They perform under pseudonyms and portray themselves as a Latino band consisting of drug lords, concealing their identities due to being wanted by the FBI. Their lineup has changed over time, however, and could be different at any point in time.
Dino Cazares and Nicholas Barker quit BRUJERIA on January 26, 2004. BRUJERIA have recently resurfaced with two new members and will begin touring soon. Asesino's band is still going strong, and Asesino himself describes the band as the new Brujeria, because he claims that Juan Brujo was the reason BRUJERIA demised. Despite their unconventional career thus far, BRUJERIA have built a large fan base within the metal underground. BRUJERIA are tentatively scheduled to release their fourth full-length studio album sometime in 2007, but details about it are unknown. http://www.brujeria.com/
Usually, I do like death-grind music but somehow, this band wasn’t really my style of music. Their songs were mostly in sung in Spanish, so I could hardly understand anything at all (although I had a Spanish class before!). They were actually supposed to perform for 40 minutes but somehow I couldn’t stand their music, so soon after they started, I downright run away.
They came on stage looking as strange as they always do. Mask on their faces and clothes over their shoulders, they looked quite as they came right out of a western movie. They soon started playing, the fans started banging. I haven’t seen them before, so I didn’t know how they sounded like before that day. They didn’t really do anything special. They just played their songs, said something to the fans and played another song. Wasn’t really anything special but it was quite interesting to see them with their sort of costumes.
Music 5
Performance 6
Sound 7
Light (daylight)
Total 6
Performance 6
Sound 7
Light (daylight)
Total 6
CANNIBAL CORPSE is an American death metal band founded in 1988. The band has since released ten studio albums, one boxed set, and one live album. Although CANNIBAL CORPSE has had virtually no radio or television exposure, a cult following began to build behind the group with albums like 1991's ‘Butchered at Birth’ and 1992's ‘Tomb of the Mutilated’. CANNIBAL CORPSE has sold over 1 million records worldwide, including 558,929 in the United States, making them one of the best selling death metal bands of all time. CANNIBAL CORPSE mostly draws influence from thrash metal bands, such as SLAYER other death metal bands, such as DEATH, have also played a major role in establishing their sound, along with KREATOR. CANNIBAL CORPSE has gained some infamy for their horror fiction-themed album covers and lyrics, including gore, mutilation, murder, torture, rape, and death.


Up to this point, I had only heard them on CD. So, I was excited to see how talented they were performing on stage. And I have to say, they really nailed their performance! The sound was great, the guitars were heavy and his voice was stunning. He growled his lungs out and the fans did, too. It was just an awesome concert!
As soon as CANNIBAL CORPSE entered the stage, the fans started screaming and were willing to see one of their favorite perform. They immediately started playing their first song and they were in a good shape which you could tell because of his really strong voice. They started banging their heads and played a good sound. It was really nice watching them perform because their heads never stood still.
Music 9
Performance 8
Sound 8
Lights (daylight)
Total 8

HATEBREED is a hardcore band from Bridgeport and New Haven, Connecticut. The band was founded in November of 1993 by Jamey Jasta, Dave Russo, Larry Dwyer and Chris Beattie. They began by recording a three song demo and selling it to locals.Those three songs would eventually be released on a split seven inch with New York's Neglect in 1995. They followed that up with the highly acclaimed EP ‘Under the Knife’ in 1996, and the following year released what many fans consider the definitive '90s album of the genre, ‘Satisfaction is the Death of Desire’ on Victory Records, then the home of some of the biggest bands in metalcore.
After the release of ‘The Rise of Brutality’, the band took part in the 2004 Unholy Alliance tour in Europe with SLAYER, SLIPKNOT and MASTODON. In June, 2006, HATEBREED embarked on a European tour which included a Main Stage performance at the Download Festival in Donnington, U.K. Immediately following this European tour, they were a Main Stage performer for the 2006 Ozzfest Tour. The band's latest album, ‘Supremacy’, was released in August, 2006, their first through Roadrunner Records, featuring new guitarist Frank Novinec. Jasta described it as an “all-out onslaught of completely adrenaline-charged, in-your-face brutality”.


HATEBREED is a hardcore band from Bridgeport and New Haven, Connecticut. The band was founded in November of 1993 by Jamey Jasta, Dave Russo, Larry Dwyer and Chris Beattie. They began by recording a three song demo and selling it to locals.Those three songs would eventually be released on a split seven inch with New York's Neglect in 1995. They followed that up with the highly acclaimed EP ‘Under the Knife’ in 1996, and the following year released what many fans consider the definitive '90s album of the genre, ‘Satisfaction is the Death of Desire’ on Victory Records, then the home of some of the biggest bands in metalcore.
After the release of ‘The Rise of Brutality’, the band took part in the 2004 Unholy Alliance tour in Europe with SLAYER, SLIPKNOT and MASTODON. In June, 2006, HATEBREED embarked on a European tour which included a Main Stage performance at the Download Festival in Donnington, U.K. Immediately following this European tour, they were a Main Stage performer for the 2006 Ozzfest Tour. The band's latest album, ‘Supremacy’, was released in August, 2006, their first through Roadrunner Records, featuring new guitarist Frank Novinec. Jasta described it as an “all-out onslaught of completely adrenaline-charged, in-your-face brutality”.

The band really showed they had the image of an hardcore band. The sound was loud and aggressive. He screamed the hell out of him and the guitar riffs were extremely heavy. All in all, it wasn’t really that great but you could listen to them. I didn’t watch the whole concert but I guess, after the first 20 minutes, their sound didn’t really change.
After seeing CANNIBAL CORPSE perform their own kind of way, it was really strange to see those hardcore guys coming up on stage in their almost hip hop like dressing. Looking in the audience, you could see that different people stood there. Although I actually like metal- and hardcore this band didn’t quite fit into my music style. Their performance wasn’t bad at all but somehow they were just not that great as I expected them to be.
Music 6
Performance 6
Sound 7
Lights (daylight)
Total 6

KORN (sometimes typeset as "KoЯn" or "KoRn" to fit their official logo) is a Grammy Award winning, influential nu metal band from Bakersfield, California, and are often credited with creating and popularizing the nu-metal genre. Former band-member Head stated that their signature sound came from an attempt to emulate Mr. Bungle's guitar tone, which they referred to as "the Bungle chord". Along with other bands of the time, they have also inspired many nu metal, alternative metal and rap metal bands through the mid-1990s and early 2000s. Since their 1994 self-titled debut album, KORN has sold over 30 million records worldwide, including 18 million in the United States, making them one of the best-selling nu-metal acts of the last fifteen years. As of 2006, KORN have had an ever-changing lineup. There have been quite a few touring members who left over time. Original guitarist Head left for "spiritual" reasons in early 2005, and original drummer David Silveria is on a hiatus from the band.

Since I’m listening to KORN for the last couple of years, I know how they sound like but it was even better live. His voice was in its best shape as it could be and so he nailed all of his songs perfectly. The guitars were great and all other instruments just matched really great. They played all-time favorites such as “Freak on a leash” or “Word up”. So, almost everybody had a song to sing along with. This was probably one of the best concerts I’ve been to so far!

KORN (sometimes typeset as "KoЯn" or "KoRn" to fit their official logo) is a Grammy Award winning, influential nu metal band from Bakersfield, California, and are often credited with creating and popularizing the nu-metal genre. Former band-member Head stated that their signature sound came from an attempt to emulate Mr. Bungle's guitar tone, which they referred to as "the Bungle chord". Along with other bands of the time, they have also inspired many nu metal, alternative metal and rap metal bands through the mid-1990s and early 2000s. Since their 1994 self-titled debut album, KORN has sold over 30 million records worldwide, including 18 million in the United States, making them one of the best-selling nu-metal acts of the last fifteen years. As of 2006, KORN have had an ever-changing lineup. There have been quite a few touring members who left over time. Original guitarist Head left for "spiritual" reasons in early 2005, and original drummer David Silveria is on a hiatus from the band.

Since I’m listening to KORN for the last couple of years, I know how they sound like but it was even better live. His voice was in its best shape as it could be and so he nailed all of his songs perfectly. The guitars were great and all other instruments just matched really great. They played all-time favorites such as “Freak on a leash” or “Word up”. So, almost everybody had a song to sing along with. This was probably one of the best concerts I’ve been to so far!
I haven’t seen them perform live before, so I was nervous to see them that night. We waited more than 30 minutes for them to finally show up. Although this wasn’t quite nice, I wasn’t mad because I finally wanted to see one of the headliners at this year’s With Full Force perform on stage. They came up and the fans just screamed their lungs out. Jonathan Davis was the last one to show up which didn’t surprise me at all since he is the actual head of the band. Their show was awesome! They all rocked the stage although the line-up was kind of strange. Most of the people I haven’t seen before but actually I didn’t care because it was really great to watch them perform!
Music 10
Performance 9
Sound 9
Lights 9
Total 9

All pics by Anne Kuhfuß

All pics by Anne Kuhfuß