E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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highfieldfestivalStörmthaler See, Großpösna, Germany
18th - 20th August 2017
HIGHFIELD Festival 2017 with Placebo, Billy Talent, Casper, Alligatoah, Clueso, and many more

PLACEBO, BILLY TALENT, and CASPER will rock at the Highfield jubilee in 2017! Announcing these bands the promoters bring on some of the most influential artists of Rock and Rap for the festival weekend taking place from August 18 till 20. In addition to the headliners they've confirmed 16 further bands to celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of the most important Indie Rock festivals of the new eastern states of Germany.

Musically the headliners differ greatly from one another, but what unites all artists is their love for lyrics which one has to listen to at least twice: As in their Punk beginnings the five Canadians of BILLY TALENT still deliver social criticism and also PLACEBO frontman Brian Molko has always borrowed his voice to those who aren't heard. Likewise, CASPER's voice is very special and on his upcoming record 'Lang lebe der Tod' (tranls. 'Long Live Death') he sings of his totally dark side.

Nevertheless, thanks to the riffs and snappy attitude of ALLIGATOAH, CLUESO, and SDP the ambience in Großpösna promises to be cheerful. Also the 257ers and DONOTS don't mince matters. Regarding danceable tunes and great lyrics BOSSE, FRITTENBUDE, and RAF CAMORA & BONEZ MC aren't far behind. Furthermore, SSIO, TURBOSTAAT, and OK KID have packed their swimming trucks for the festival at the Störmthaler See and the ANTILOPEN GANG will come to the water hole, too. And who else? HEISSKALT, ROGERS, NEONSCHWARZ, and SXTN.

From Pop to Punk, from Rock to Rap: The current line-up already offers exciting contrasts.

These are all the acts confirmed so far
Placebo | Billy Talent | Casper | Alligatoah | Clueso | SDP | 257ers | Donots | Bosse | Frittenbude | RAF Camora & Bonez MC | SSIO | Turbostaat | OK Kid | Antilopen Gang | Heisskalt | Rogers | Neonschwarz | SXTN

The Highfield festival 2017 will take place from August 18 till August 20 in Großpösna. Combi-tickets including all pre-sale fees and garbage deposit are available for 129€ at highfield.de, eventim.de or via phone (01806 – 853 653). This event is a cooperation of FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen GmbH and Semmel Concerts GmbH.

Source: Press Release

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