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hurricane2019Dear Hurricane fans! As in the meantime your calendar almost screams at you, it is high time to deal with your favorite festival weekend. Maybe you already bring together your camping equipment, write first packing lists or compile your favorite songs for the Boombox at the camp, but maybe none of that. As regards the latter: WAKE UP, ZIGZAG! IT’S HURRICANE TIME!! Anyway - promoters were not lazy, and so by now, they offer a small foretaste of all the exciting things waiting for you already at your arrival on Thursday…

More music at the campsite!
From Thursday, the Wild Live Stage at the campsite away from the four main stages not only gives you medicine in shape of best bands and DJs, but it is also a central contact point for chilling or solidly go nuts in-between. Here, away from the hustle, you are offered flashing programme items, that invite you to stop by every now and then. In the coming weeks, the programme is filled with exciting acts; so far, DANGER DAN, RAZZ, STEINER & MADLAINA, THE SHERLOCKS and ULF are waiting for you. Additionally, there will be a Very Special Guest at one evening, but more is not revealed

Hurricane Warm-Up Party
And don’t forget the Warm-Up Party, the perfect place to release your party energy after tent pitching and toast-drinking. So, everyone who is ready for the first live beating on Thursday evening, is warmly welcomed at the Wild Live Stage! This year, the wheels are turning here, when it comes to THE Hurricane Warm-Up Party! Come and dance to the sound of: QUERBEAT | MONTREAL | RADIO HAVANNA | BEAUTY & THE BEATS. After the Warm-Up Party, it’s up to you whether you go to the White Stage, or shake your body at the Beck’s CampFM Warm-Up Party, which by the way already starts at 22.00 pm – just sayin’ – or enjoy the beats of D.Klang at the Wild Live Stage.

The Hurricane Resort – now even cooler!
That the Hurricane Resort with its numerous chill-out accommodations, fixed ways and lots of space is a true paradise besides the festival hustle and bustle, we already told you more than once. But what if we tell you, that promoters have pumped the horniness level a bit more? In that moment, we can see your sceptical eyes wide open like “w00t?”, but let us tell you: “Yes, they did that!” When you are already resort guests, then you did everything right. This year, promoters crank up the decoration and do not make cuts in green stuff and lighting to get the perfect atmosphere. Within the resort area, there are a lot of games, a beach volleyball court, seating areas with sun protection and a resort bar that offers cold and hot drinks. So, if that is not a sign for maximum comfort, then we don’t really know. More info:

My-tent-is-already-pitched (“Mein Zelt steht schon”)
To all of you, who want to enjoy a relaxed arrival and start the festival weekend without a large amount of luggage and time pressure, there is an easy tent renting service at “mein-zelt-steht-schon”. Before the festival starts, you calmly book a tent with all accessory, and everything is pitched for you on site. The only thing you have to do is – to move in!

The Hurricane ticket is available for EUR 189.00 plus garbage pledge at or or by phone at +49 (0) 1806 853 333 (20 cents/fixed line call, mobile network max. 60 cents/call), single tickets available for EUR 99.00. The one-time arrival and departure with the Metronom trains is included in the ticket price. Transport conditions can be found at Caravan plaques can be ordered for EUR 50.00 additionally. Tickets:

Source: Press Release