With ZERAPHINE, OST+FRONT, NOISUF-X, DIORAMA, CENTHRON, UNZUCHT and ASSEMBLAGE 23, there are several acts that have become indispensable in the black scene. The German Electronic band TYSKE LUDDER, founded in the late 1980s, is celebrating another Plage Noire premiere. The Medieval Electro band HEIMARTAERDE has also already confirmed their musical performance on the Baltic Sea. The first wave of bands should be closed with the dark artists from [X]-RX, J:DEAD, CORLYX, THE SELECTION, SUZI SABOTAGE and MENTAL EXILE. Another headliner and other exciting artists will be announced later this year.
The Plage Noire has been the meeting point of the black scene for years and, in addition to a relevant line-up, offers the advantages of a weekend holiday on the Baltic Sea coast. Before and after the concerts, guests can experience the varied supporting program and let their souls dangle on the beach. Detailed information on the supporting program and other acts for the Plage Noire 2023 will be published in the run-up to Christmas.
Tickets with and without overnight stays are currently still available on the booking hotline 01806 006660 (0.20 €/call from a German landline, mobile max. 0.60 €/call) or at plagenoire.de/tickets
Source. Newsletter