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Doc. on the (dark wave) bands that were on the brink of mainstream music

"Beautiful noise" is a new documentary by filmmaker Eric Green of L.A.-based Hypnagogia Films which is being produced right now. The idea was to bring an in depth exploration of the music culture in the late 80's and early 90's. The documentary which has been shot over the past two years will focus on those experimental bands that were on the brink of mainstream music such as Cocteau Twins, The Jesus and Mary Chain and My Bloody Valentine who pushed such acts as Slowdive, Lush, Cranes, Curve and so on to manifest themselves.

On the verge of potential success these acts were eclipsed by what the press release calls "burgeoning movements which were more marketable and press friendly". "Beautiful noise" features interviews with many of the luminaries of this time period including Robin Guthrie, Simon Raymonde, Jim Reid, Bobby Gillespie, Douglas Hart, Kevin Shields, Debbie Googe, Mark Gardener, Andy Bell, Neil Halstead, Emma Anderson, Martin Carr, Ian Masters, Adam Franklin, Toni Halliday, Alan Moulder and Alan McGee. next to these, you will also see Wayne Coyne, Trent Reznor, Billy Corgan and Robert Smith.


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