Event: Operation Tanzgeil
Club: Darkflower, Leipzig, Germany
Date: 8th April 2011
Genre: Hardstyle, TBM, Aggrotech, Electro
Website: www.darkflower.de
Thank God, it’s Friday. This was what quite a lot of Facebook users around Leipzig might have thought last week. This was what I read in status comments. Everything was about going to Leipzig, how to get there and how happy they were that was party time.
Since December 2008, the party named “Operation Tanzgeil” is taking place at Leipzig’s cult club Darkflower. Fans of Hardcore, TBM, Aggrotech and everything in between meet every 2 months to party hard and long. There are 2 DJs who are always there to make people’s music wishes come true: DJ Prototyp and of course DJ Reaktor-4. The third DJ to support them is changing nearly every “OP”, that’s the nickname fans gave the event. The dance floor was filled with dancing people. You could see they were really happy to meet there after a two month break. DJ Prototype specialized on Hardstyle and composing music on his own, played different Hardstyle songs as well as DJane Aura Kamikura. Fans of Dark Electro and Aggrotech were served by DJ Reaktor-4, who’s calling himself a COMBICHRIST slut.
All in all, the atmosphere was fantastic and filled with loud music. Nearly all the time people were dancing, but there also were moments where less people were on the dance floor. Some said it was caused by too much Hardcore songs. Others said it was caused by DJ Reaktor-4 who is often playing songs of 2006 in nearly the same order. He commented that people mostly wish these songs. There are always songs people like or don’t like.
It’s impossible to make everyone happy - but at “Operation Tanzgeil” nearly everyone seemed happy with the chosen songs. Also attention caught the fight of Rain Dusky (Singer of WINTERSPRING) with some stranger. This guy hit one of Rains female friends into the face and so a weird fight started. Rain plunked the bar and hurt his face. Glasses got broken and poor Rain cut his hand. End of the fight: the aggressive stranger was chucked out the club and Rain Dusky got a big white bandage. That was the dark side of the evening…
Past events caught of course more visitors. There was a storm outside and some trains couldn’t drive to Leipzig were the reasons of less visitor numbers. The next “Operation Tanzgeil” will take place on June 17th. So don’t miss to go there if you’re near and check this party out!
Pics by Fräulein Sina and Axel S-W
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