Volta, Moscow, Russia
13th November 2016
Alive Concerts introduces: R A G E - the combination of these four letters is familiar for Russian fans of heavy music as well as the SCORPIONS, ACCEPT, U.D.O., DORO, HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY and BLIND GUARDIAN. It is now impossible to imagine touring the aforementioned groups without Russian concerts. RAGE “furious” like the Russian public, and it's mutual.
Additional Concert Info
Doors: 6:00 pm
Starts: 8:00 pm
Tickets: can be bought for 1500 rub at https://ponominalu.ru/event/rage
Info Rage: http://www.rage-official.com / https://www.facebook.com/RageOfficialBand
Preview RAGE - Moscow 2016-11-13
- Details
- Written by: Ekaterina Yakyamseva
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