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jenx enumaelish
Artist: Jenx
Title: Enuma Elish
Genre: Industrial Metal
Release Date: 11th May 2012
Label: Klonosphere / Season of Mist

Review Flash

JENX, a French band that performed alongside acts as GOJIRA, PARADISE LOST have unleashed their second album ‘Enuma Elish’ last year already. It’s a concept album that follows the evolution of man through the ages, focusing mainly on origins of power and creation of man. If you can handle evolution and creation mentioned in one breath, you’ll handle this also.

Conclusion: Best when melodic, furious with the Industrial touches throwing off the energy all over and hunting the listener back into the centre of their storm to hammer and pleasurably torture him/her. It’s interesting and somewhat different though not so divergent to call it pioneering or super-unique. I’d even say blackly humorous, but that may just be me.

Rating: 7.5 / 10

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