Artist: Death Destruction
Title: Death Destruction
Genre: Metal / Death Metal
Release Date: 28th October 2011
Label: Sony Music
Album Review
DEATH DESTRUCTION’s members combine their experiences in progressive metal (EVERGREY), power-metal (HAMMERFALL) or metal-core (DEAD BY APRIL) so their self-titled debut is not a product of musicians just getting started on their chosen path... so expectations are high already... They start with putting you onto ‘Shredding March’ and it’s gonna work on all your demons without mercy from that get go, this first helping of it offers except its blasting beat (heat) some good “let’s show it off” guitar solos in minor scale whilst in ‘Purified’ they will go into its more expected position from its more mainstream brother genres. Throughout you’ll be also pricking your ears for the bass parts, take ‘Fuck Yeah’ as an example, to drag you into the deeper darkness. ‘Hellfire’ plays with distortion as a bored predator practicing on a prey killed whilst already belly-full.
Well, it’s Death metal and the growls might hurt the more sensitive ears and feel like monotonous drone after a while, but if you’re in a mood as if you’ve been inside a pressure cooker for a week or more of stress and dealing with bullshit, you’re sure to welcome the Hellish letting out of rage coiled and uncoiled from a big white fireball, but don’t expect something that exceeds and pioneers the genre. That’s not always the point! As it’s more or less a consistent onslaught for the mosh pit, why object its imperfections? Like mixing some already tried formulas and throwing them off like there was an alarm for Armageddon about to go off, in truth, it’s like the guys jammed together (in a brutal manner indeed as they got serious about it enough to pursue it as an extra project) and were having a good time just letting off. As such, it’s a recommend to check it out.
01. The Shredding March
02. Kill It
03. Fuck Yeah
04. Silence
05. Mark My Words
06. Hellfire
07. Day Of Reckoning
08. Purified
09. Chained In Thoughts
10. Sea Of Blood
11. Kindgome Come
Jimmie Strimell - Vocals
Henrik Danhage - Guitars
Fredrik Larsson - Bass
Jonas Ekdahl - Drums
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Cover Picture
Music: 6.5
Sound: 8
Total: 7.75/10
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