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Nevelfest, Merksem, Belgium
28th of July 2007
Ancient Rites, Skyforger

It’s a shining day when we are going to Belgium. After driving 2,5 hour we are arrive at Merksem near Antwerpen. In the gardens near the Bouckenborgh castle in the middle of the town is a festival build. That’s Nevelfest, a nice place with a in- and outdoor stage. Ancient Rites is headliner of this festival at the outdoor stage today. This is one of the most populair Belgium metalbands. An other great band who played today is Skyforger.

Skyforger (acoustic show)

Skyforger is a pagan folk/metal band from Latvian. They have been tempering their music in the smithy of the Thundergod since 1995. Music-wise it's a mix between Scandinavian black metal and more traditional heavy metal aspects, deeply rooted in Baltic folk while the lyrics cover the love and proud these Latvians hold for their cultural and spiritual heritage. Skyforger use symbols from the Latvian mythology and culture in their shows. The are giving two shows today, one very special acoustic set at the indoor stage.

The show starts around 18:00h, I’ll guess… After a lot of technical problems with the sound and instruments, they start finally 18:45h. This acoustic show is very special, it’s the first time in West-Europe.

I was very curious about this show but when they started I was really surprised. A folk metal sound in a small indoor stage. It wasn’t metal, but it’s the real Latvian folk music they make. They had very special instruments, a drum, flutes and a piece of wood with snares. The sound and mix was great a sounds like real old folk music. Three of the members did the vocals in three different levels.


Five members sitting in a row at a small stage with great clothes. I introduce them: from left to right: one with a drum, a singing one with a special snare instrument, another one with also a snare instrument, a guy with a flute who’s also singing some parts. This guy translate also the song texts for us in very bad English, but it was good enough to understand it. The last guy had a snare instrument like a cello and did also vocals. They can’t walk around, because it was really unplugged, but it was nice to see. Sometimes they changed instruments and flutes. The sphere was nice and friendly. The interaction with the audience was also great. It’s was very warm in the hall and the lights were very bad and red coloured, that was pity.


Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 9
Light: 6
Total: 8.25

Skyforger (regular show)

Wow, completely different, I was in shock. After a friendly show at the indoor stage, a heavy show at the outdoor stage.

With bagpipes, 2 guitars a bass and drums is this show harder. The sound is great for an outdoor show. It’s total different than the acoustic indoor sound. This is the real pagan folk metal we heard. The guitars and bass mix in combination with the bagpipes sounds great! The drums are very fast! Also the vocals sounds great today.

They can walk at the stage because it’s not acoustic, so they used their space very well. This is a great performance! They’re wearing the same clothes as the other performance, that’s a little bit boring but okay. The interaction with the audience is great, everybody is banging his head! At the stage and at the audience. They played not so long, 45minutes, that’s a pity. The lights are not so good, the are not changing and are red all the time. But after all, a great show!

01. Intro/ Līgo
02. Kad ūsiņš jāj
03. Senču ozols
04. Kauja Garozas Silā
05. Nāves Sala
06. Kāvi
07. Tīreļa purvā
08. Pulkvedis Briedis
09. Migla & Rasa
10. Semigalls’ warchant (svētais ugunskrusts)

Music: 9
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 6
Total: 7.75

Ancient Rites

This popular Belgium former black metal band is headliner of the evening, a great choice. In may 15th 2006, they released their new cd “Rubicon” at an other label “Season of Mist”. Now it’s time for a lot of shows with songs from this cd. Also a the outdoor stage gives Ancient Rites their show today.

This music is typical for Ancient Rites, but it sounds great. Without a bass player at the stage, what’s very weird to see. They had six members but, they’re standing with five members. The mix between the two guitars, the keys and the drums sounds great. The sound engineer is very good in his job. Gunthers vocals sounds great today.

Gunther is a entertainer and also today at the stage, his interaction with the audience is great. He threw his microphone sometimes into the audience. All the members used their space at the stage very well. Erik, one of the guitarists is playing with the audience all the time and having a lot of fun. At the other side of the stage stands Domingo and having also a lot of fun. The keyboard player and the drummer are standing in the back, but they enjoy their selves. The light are very bad, also red and their not changing.

01. Intro (crusade)
02. Templar
03. Mithras
04. Mother Europe
05. Thermopylae
06. Rubicon
07. And the horns…
08. Invictus
09. Blood of Christ
10. Cheruscan
11. Victory or Valhalla
12. On Golden Fields
13. Fatherland
14. Total Misanthropia

Music: 9
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 6
Total: 7.75
