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Leaves' Eyes - The master of atmospheric gothic metal


Nature, romance, love, and lyric encases one of the most marvellous voices found within the current European Rock scene:  Welcome to the fantastic world of LEAVES’ EYES!

Lovelorn, the début release of the sextet comprised by former Theatre of Tragedy vocalist Liv Kristine, as well as the current Atrocity line-up, captivates with wonderful harmonies, an epic atmosphere, and varied arrangements that embark the listener on a journey through the sounds-capes of Rock. The band's first single, "Into Your Light", already unites bombastic symphonies with Hard Rock, as the playful piano accompaniment forges an expressive bond with Liv Kristine's vocals. The Norwegian singer has clearly become more emotive than in the past: "Lovelorn", "For Amelie", and "Into Your Light" are all tracks that espouse intensive emotion: Love, trust, and companionship.  “The classical parts found in the music have inspired me to try something new. Even as a child, I diligently practised singing classical pieces. I am always trying to further develop my voice.

Liv’s vocal training and perseverance has paid off and can be heard on tracks such as “Ocean’s Way” and “Return to Life”, which give way to an escalating opera-like performance. “The music, together with my vocals, is meant to relate the Lovelorn storyline. In this way, we achieved a type of ‘mirror effect’ between the lyrics and overall sound, with the emotions serving as the fundamental,” describes the front lady responsible for all the lyrics and the album concept.

During the recording sessions, Liv dealt with not only the challenges of laying down the vocal tracks, but also with her pregnancy and the birth of son Leon Alexander on 18 December 2003. The new mother, who plans to continue working on her solo career (her solo debut “Deus Ex Machina” was released in 1999), only had positive comments about her experience: “It was a wonderful time in my life”, she explains.
(Source Napalm Records website

- 2005-

World history set to music, seasoned with legends, love and passion – no less could be said about the second Leaves’ Eyes album Vinland Saga. Vocalist Liv Kristine and Co. (a.k.a Atrocity) embark on a mystic journey. Leif Erikson’s legendary voyage to Greenland in 1000 A.D., which consequently ended in America according most historians, is depicted by Leaves’ Eyes through atmospheric Metal, Rock and sensual ballads. It is a story marked by powerful riffs, melody and string arrangements, which represent a colourful bandwidth of musical styles, truly adequate to the very concept of the album itself and never concealing the Nordic origins of the singer. "I found my inspiration for many of the pieces in the Norwegian art and folk music, as well as in Celtic melodies," explains Liv Kristine. She knew from the very beginning that a special approach was needed for such an ambitious musical enterprise: "I absolutely wanted to work with actual classical instruments for Vinland Saga to do this great story justice."


Music filled with sagas and legends…
On “Njord”, Leaves’ Eyes finally opens a new chapter in Nordic mythology. With this new masterpiece, they are able to prove to what extent they have found their own style and developed it to perfection. In 2009, Leaves’ Eyes present themselves rocking, up-to-date, sweeping, and free of all genre conventions.
The Live DVD “We cam with the Northern Winds/En Saga I Beglia” (2009) entered the German DVD charts at number 11. This exclusive package documented the exceptional history of the band. In addition, the DVD features the legendary concert at the Metal Female Voices Festival 2007. This headline show presented the fans with an impressive Viking ship on stage.
“Njord“continues the triumphs of the band, which long ago became one of the most successful Gothic Metal formations in the world. Already their first single “My Destiny” comes rushing out from the speakers and is so catchy, that it is almost dangerous! The music of “Njord” is enriched by the power of a choir and the virtuosity of the Lingua Mortis Orchestra directed by Victor Smolski (Rage). The classical elements emphasize the music’s grandeur, while the artists elevate each and every song to an art form of its own.
However, it is Liv Kristine’s vocals that transform the songs into masterpieces. On this album, Liv sings in no less than eight languages about Nordic deities, Vikings and history. In addition, the Grammy-nominated vocalist (for “Nymphetamine” with Cradle of Filth) sounds free and more confident than ever before.
Leaves’ Eyes is aware of the status they hold in the music scene. They are leaders and their dedicated supporters expect the highest quality. With their best and most mature album to date, Leaves’ Eyes affirms the leading position and sets the highest standards for everything to follow. “Njord” will breeze through the summer days not unlike the North wind.  And just like with Eriksson’s discovery of America, nothing will remain the same. (source: website band).


Liv Kristine - vocals
Thorsten Bauer - guitar
Mathias Röderer - guitar
Alexander Krull - vocals
Alla fedynitch - bass
Seven Antonopolous - drums

Martin Schmidt - Drums (2003-2004)
Chris Lukhaup - Bass (2001-2007)
Moritz Neuner - Drums (2004-2007)
Nicholas Barker - Drums (2004-2008)
Peter Hörnung - Drums (2007-2008)



Into Your Light (Single) - 2004
Lovelorn - 2004 
Vinland Saga - 2005 
Elegy (EP) - 2005
Legend Land (EP) - 2006
"Ein letztes Mal"  (remix of Umbra et Imago song with additional vocals by Liv Kristine) - 2007
We Came with the Northern Winds - En Saga I Belgia CD/DVD - 2009
My Destiny (EP) - 2009
Napalm Records: With Us Or Against Us VOL.XI (cd) 2009
Njord - 2009


There is a special toursecion on the official website (
For 2009 The Beauty And The Beast tour is planned truth Europe.



Label & Promotion

Hammerplatz 2
A-8790 Eisenerz/Austria
Tel: +43 3848 8117-0
Fax: +43 3848 8117-4

Liv Kristine