25th October 2014
Synthwest with Sinestar, Kira & Low Tide Theory
Not long ago some friends of the Synth Pop/ Electronic music were discussing on the Facebook chat how amazing it would be if it was possible to have a Synth Pop event in the SouthWest of the UK, where local bands can perform in order to get more attention. Quickly a Facebook group was founded in order to spread the word and get connected. Despite a lot of unforeseen problems the founder of the SynthWest group made it to organise the first concert event with three fine electronic bands. Actually another venue was booked but the owner made a double booking so that the organisers had to find an alternative. But that meant also that they had to lower their sights referred to the venue itself as well as to the given technical equipment including the lights. The event took place in a separate room downstairs of a restaurant which looked quite cosy and surely is perfect for a family party with a bit of Karaoke but not for concerts. At least the size of the venue fitted well with a capacity of estimated 90 people as for the first event you cannot expect to be sold out.
Low Tide Theory
From North Devon, Electronic / Synth Pop band LOW TIDE THEORY have been developing worldwide attention for their brand of retro inspired electronic pop. They have created a sound that is familiar but also totally their own, with multi-layered harmony vocals and a funk bass guitar. Low Tide Theory’s influences include OMD, NEW ORDER, PET SHOP BOYS, GARY NUMAN, THE STRANGLERS, TEARS FOR FEARS, amongst others. www.lowtidetheory.com / https://www.facebook.com/officialLTT
Music & Performance
Due to severe technical problems which couldn’t be solved so easily as the given equipment was not that good and finding a replacement at this time of day was quite impossible, the first concert started more than an hour later. So in the meantime we started to joke that the SynthWest event might end up as an acoustic evening. But finally LOW TIDE THEORY could open the evening. Their music was very much 80’s with a nice bass line, albeit the vocal quality of the singer was a bit weak. Furthermore I had the impression that the sound guy was not really sure what he was doing and so the instrument dominated partly the vocals. There was not really much interaction with the audience. Probably the guys were too nervous after waiting so long until they were able to perform.
01. Synthwest opener (instrumental)
02. Time will tell
03. Shadow of you
04. Big sky
05. Author of all things
06. Exit ramp
07. We all fall down
08. Crash
Music: 6
Performance: 6
Sound: 7
Light: 6
Total: 6.2 / 10
KIRA, hailing from Taunton, are an Electronic/ Synth based duo creating beautifully moody electronica ranging from ambient to dance. Fronted by Kira with her soft, yet seductively alluring vocal style, the act is backed by emotive string arrangements and rich analogue tones. KIRA draws on its musical influences from the likes of Japan and DAVID BOWIE to MASSIVE ATTACK and THE BOARDS OF CANADA. They marry this range of styles with old and new production techniques to create their unique soundscape. www.kirasounds.com / https://www.facebook.com/kirasounds
Music & Performance
Next to perform was this duo. The lights did not get any better during their show but KIRA brought some LED lights with them which created some nice effects. Nice vocals underlined with atmospheric melodies, the first two songs started quite slow that I almost feared the concert will be a bit boring. Fortunately the third song got more up-tempo and so you could see more and more people dancing. From song to song the audience caught fire and thus it was no wonder that they shouted for more. After their last song the people asked for an encore. Unfortunately it was not possible.
01. Her Siren calls
02. Mischievous
03. Spark of curiosity
04. Pure delight
05. Healer
06. In a state (Unkle)
07. Stars
08. Shine
Music: 8
Performance: 7
Sound: 7
Light: 6
Total: 7 / 10
The Bristol based band fuses 80’s style Synth led sounds with the soaring vocals and harmonies of modern day Muse is headlining the show. Throw in some dance inspired grooves for good measure and you start to form a picture of where the band is coming from. SINESTAR take their influences from many different genres and styles from the past five decades to create a sound which is uniquely and unmistakably their own. www.sinestar.co.uk / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sinestar/310216912403126
Music & Performance
SINESTAR were the last to enter the stage. Apparently they were a lot of fans amongst the audience. Right from the beginning the band interacted with the audience by inviting the people to clap their hands and introducing themselves after the first song. The second song was a new one which was embraced positively by the crowd. Fortunately the band had managed not to overdo it with the bass sound. Therefore the sound changed at one song in an unpleasant way and as it looked like the sound guy had some issues with the console. As I have mentioned before I was not sure if the sound man really knew what he was doing and I dare to say that you couldn’t call him sound engineer. Anyway all this didn’t lower the enthusiasm of the fans and this was rewarded with another song of their new EP which the guys hadn’t played live before. Close to the end we were presented a nice interpretation of ‘Blue Monday’ before the guys left with their last song the stage.
01. Hope and Prey (2013 re-mix)
02. Fortunes faded
03. Hurricane
04. Rise and fall
05. Cry like you mean it
06. Lived for
07. Locked from the inside
08. Running home
09. Butterflies
10. The same way
11. Falling
12. Blue Monday (New Order cover)
13. I am the rain (extended drenched mix)
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: 6
Total: 7.3 / 10
So the first SynthWest event had a bumpy start. But you have to understand that this was organised by Synth Pop/ Electronic music lovers and not a professional concert agency. Thus with this experience there was a lot to learn and I’m sure that this group will be more prepared at the next event.
All pictures by morTICIA