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enshine origin
Artist: Enshine
Title: Origin
Genre: Melodic Doom Metal
Release Date: 15th May 2013
Label: Rain Without End Records

Review Flash

Yeah okay this is another one of my late or very late reviews... ENSHINE was started in 2009 as a solo project by Jari Lindholm (guitar/ synth / add. vocals) to later become the international music collaboration it is today, headed by Jari Lindholm and Sébastien Pierre (lead vocals / add. keys). Production of the debut album was finished summer 2012 after two years in the studio. I am afraid I have to cut it short this time, the ambient “Doom” part of ‘Origin’ is rather boring because it feels way too soft and dull and then it explodes into Death Metal vocals with Melodic Metal in the background. Musically it just won’t appeal because the two sides of the coin appear to be different coins in different purses. Here and there I get a Prog Rock feeling which is nice but then the arrangement keels over from cheesy to forced musical toughness. But I think it is a matter of misconception on my behalf, I had a list from which to choose and the Death Metal part was an unmentioned one.

Conclusion: It’s a no from me, I just don’t dig Death Metal vocals even if it is paired with NIGHTWISH moments (which make it worse).

Rating: 4 / 10

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