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Backstage, Munich, Germany
4th September 2020
Emil Bulls - Hully Gully Bierzelt Shows 2020

EMIL BULLS are local heroes in Munich. The band was founded 25 years ago and due to many influences on their style, it’s difficult to put them in just one category. If you dig their back catalogue you will find Rock, influences of Pop that remind you of Sade, some Stoner Rock and Thrash, so Crossover or Alternative Rock and Metal may be the genres that come closest to their style.

As soon as EMIL BULLS announce a gig in Munich, you should hurry and get a ticket for the show since BACKSTAGE, the band’s living room will be packed to the roof. I arrived an hour before the show and was glad that some really nice hardcore-fans offered to sit at their table. These guys had been waiting for hours at the venue before the doors were opened. The show was sold-out and people sat at the usual beer garden tables, dutifully filled the forms with their data and the security was so kind to collect them, so people didn’t have to line-up at the mailbox. Tonight’s support was SWAN VALLEY HEIGHTS. I never heard of them before and to be honest, hopefully will never have to see them again. The music was somewhere between Rock and Psychedelic, instead of warming the crowd up, they got us really bored. The bass was too loud, the lyrics hardly audible, the drums sometimes inconsistent, somehow, I had the idea that I was amidst a band rehearsal.

Music & Performance
By 8:30 p.m. EMIL BULLS saved us….And they wouldn’t be EMIL BULLS if there wasn’t a little surprise with a little wink of an eye. Tonight, they dressed specially for the occasion in sequined golden jackets and welcomed us with an intro and ‘Aber Dich Gibt’s Nur Einmal Für Mich’. They had the audience on their side immediately and I was sure that this would become a fantastic evening. They changed back to their normal style during a short break and immediately the shouting choruses would demand the “EMIL BULLS” back on stage and this would happen during every break the band took. The band treated us with a fantastic selection of songs from all the 25 years of their career and since it was a “Bierzelt show” (beer tent), ‘Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit’ was played several times, accompanied by raising our glasses.

Nearly halfway through the show, Backstage’s owner took the stage and told us that he appreciates if everybody sticks to the rules, for if we didn’t, live shows at Backstage would be over, soon. He told us he knows from own experience, that it is hard to attend a Rock show while being seated, but that we should have in our mind, that the virus is still there and as dangerous as on day one. After that the mood in the audience was a bit sombre, but the EMIL BULLS had the perfect song, to cheer us up and lift our mood. ‘The Age Of Revolution’ warmed us up for ‘Euphoria’ and soon the audience cheered up again. The show was over too soon and for the encore, the EMIL BULLS once again changed in their golden sequined jackets and played the song, that gave us some Oktoberfest atmosphere ‘Sierra Madre’. I was an extraordinary EMIL BULLS show and somehow they made the best of the situation, interacted frequently with the audience, like asking us to perform the chorus and EMIL BULLS left their fans with big smiles in their faces.

01. Aber Dich gibt’s nur einmal für mich
02. The reckoning
03. Hearteater
04. Not tonight Josephine
05. Ein Prosit
06. Here comes the fire
07. The most evil spell
08. Time
09. The saddest man on earth
10. Smells like Rock’n’Roll
11. Nothing in this world
12. Ein Prosit
13. Between the devil and the deep blue sea
14. When god was sleeping
15. The age of revolution
16. Euphoria
17. The jaws of oblivion
18. Winterblood
19. The 9th wave
20. Ein Prosit
21. Worlds apart
22. Sierra Madre

Music: 10
Performance: 10
Light: 08
Sound: 10
Total: 9.5 / 10