Artist: Haujobb
Title: New World March
Genre: Electronic
Release Date: 11th November 2011
Label: Zweieck Recordings / Basic Unit Productions
Album Review
Earliest mentions of 'New World March' date quite a few years back already. Some of us may have even lost faith in the album getting ever ready for a release. But it's done now. It's actually done and soon will be available at your favourite record dealer's shop. The album picks up right where the single 'Dead Market' left off so you'll be treated to plenty of analogue electronics. ' control makes the opening to the first new HAUJOBB album in 8 years by spreading a plethora of medieval-inspired moods and Daniel's subdues vocals at the centre of it all. The track hardly reaches the mid-tempo area but this is necessary not to destroy the sometimes nightmarish atmosphere it evokes to drag you into the frightening scenario of a world living in fear. Much like ours. 'Crossfire' calls for revolution with marching drum sequences build with absolute precision and although being electronic sounding completely organic. A paradigm shift is about to happen.
'Let's Drop Bombs' does appeal to club aficionados by using comparatively stripped down rhythm and have them slightly mutating over its duration. It's just like the lyrics put it "Reboot yourself from scratch again..." Don't stop re-inventing yourself. Be unpredictable. 'More Than Us' sees you caught in a web of technology and convenience build by an orchestrator to control them all. The truth is hidden "under layers of layers..." and the ways of keeping us from seeing what's really going on before it's all too late are being perfected everyday. 'Machine Drum' is a symphony of binary codes intertwining to ultimately form complex patterns of multi-layered metallic beats, dystopian strings and a tiny pinch of distortion "Marching on codes and numbers / follow the signals / follow the beat" 'Lost' is the desperation become music, it is what happens when all that makes us who we are is gone in an effort to make us all fully equal. All individuality erased. Imagine you'd be a dead man walking.
The song actually what's getting closest to a ballad on the album. A piece that's peaking in a desperate outcry originating in Daniel's outstanding performance while being drowned in ambience. 'Little World' has been made available a while ago on the band's bandcamp page for listening in its entirety. The song actually comes across as a lullaby that machines created to keep mankind in control. Not as fictional as It might seem. Look at our world today and what we actually can do without machines. We have become largely dependent on them. The penultimate track 'New World March' puts me in mind of how H.P. Lovecraft used to build some of his stories. You don't see the big end coming, not even remotely. The narrator becomes part of the story and the end is soon to come. Just that it's not the end we wanted to see. The machines take control in the new world march and humanity will be lost. The rest is but an 'Echo' of what used to be when a camera soars over ruins under a constantly darkening sky in a post mankind documentary backed by an ominous soundtrack.
The most important question might be now whether or not it was worth waiting 8 years. I guess I made that pretty clear with the above lines. 'New World March' is a portrait of what our society is today and what it can become. The future pictured with means of the past. November's given us a highlight of electronic music. Here's hoping that we won't have to wait another 8 years for the next HAUJOBB album.
01. Control
02. Crossfire
03. Let´s Drop Bombs
04. More Than Us
05. Machine Drum
06. Dead Market
07. Lost
08. Soul Reader
09. Little World
10. Membrane
11. New World March
12. Echo
Daniel Myer
Dejan Samardzic
Website /
Cover Picture
Music: 9
Sound: 10
Extras: -
Total: 9.5 / 10
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