22nd March 2019
Madsen - “Lichtjahre” Tour 2019 - Support: Grillmaster Flash, Lampe
Finally a concert at home. Through constant concerts in Oberhausen, Cologne or anywhere else in the world, one quickly forgets that even Münster can handle concerts well. We are all happier when we were able to use the first day of the year with 20 degrees outside temperature to prepare for the concert in the evening. As beautiful as the day is, it walks by so fast, so again straightened the hair and off to one of the most charming locations in Münster.
Grillmaster Flash
There are men in this world, real men, strong, self-sacrificing men... men with muscle power, grace and eloquence. Firefighters, cat’s doctors, water bomb world champions, cops. Grater voice, tight calves, undershirt! GRILLMASTER FLASH claims to be one of them. He sings about the small and big things of the world. From life in the fast lane, or whatever the right side on the highway is called. He practically invented the swag and leased the sex. Reinforced by his new band, THE JUNGS, GRILLMASTER FLASH seems to want to go even better. https://grillmaster-flash.de / https://www.facebook.com/GrillmasterFlash

Music & Performance
The introduction is the self-presentation of the opening act. What I can say objectively. The voice, which is similar to that of MADSEN, provides for shallow entertainment with a dance effect with texts such as “Hang with the boys” (‘Hängen mit den Jungs’). The audience does not really go along, but there is a clapping between the songs. Subjectively, I do not want to give a detailed opinion because I cannot write a positive word.
Music: 2
Performance: 5
Sound: 6
Light: 7
Total: 5 / 10

Hiding under this pseudonym is Tilman Claas, one of the MADSEN technicians, who has an own band too. MADSEN said he should also present a song on stage, even if the rest of his band is not there. Said and done! And the mood rises directly. With lighter, I believe played, uncertainty here is one charming man on stage who wakes up in one song all the desire what has just been sleeping. Great and for that he deserves applause! Next time with band please as support throughout the whole tour! https://www.facebook.com/lichtauslampean
Music: 9
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: 7
Total: 7.8 / 10

It nearly seems like MADSEN have also recorded some songs from their current album ‘Lichtjahre’ (Light Years) to make life easier for writers of their press releases. Actually, you could save yourself the next few lines and just turn on ‘Rückenwind’ (tailwind). “Wir haben Rückenwind, wir können überall hin!” (We have tailwind, we can go anywhere!), sings Sebastian Madsen in this “Go ahead and go out” hymn, while the band recreates the musical equivalent of this feeling with guitar, bass and drums. Classic MADSEN it is - goes forward, has sadness, let’s you sing along with a clenched fist in the front row in front of the stage as well as in the car on the road trip with the loved ones.

The same can be said about the great ‘Sommerferien’ (summer vacation), and about ‘Wenn alles zerbricht’ (When everything breaks up)… and ‘Wenn es einfach passiert’ (If it just happens)… and… well… just have a look onto the ‘Lichtjahre’ track list. MADSEN not only feel the “tailwind” in their already so long running career, they take it at the same time literally and so they extend the tour to ‘Lichtjahre’ once again and tour Germany in February and March 2019. http://www.madsenmusik.de / https://www.facebook.com/Madsenmusik

Music & Performance
After four weeks absence from the stage, due to severe flu, MADSEN are finally on stage today and the slight impairment of the voice is not noticeable. The LED wall in the background shows stars and to the intro, the musicians come with verve on the stage and the audience is unstoppable. The first song begins and the whole hall moves directly back and forth. There is a lot of jumping and singing along, which has worked remarkably, and only happy faces in the sold-out Skaters Palace seem to be looking towards the stage. After asking to vacate a circle in the middle of the audience, ends in a call for the ladies in the room. A circle pit just made of women makes for even more mood and you realize that the guys know exactly what they are doing. MADSEN works in every age group. The singer does a stage dive which fits perfectly in the created picture.

The only downer is the statement “Nazis out”. Not because of the message itself - the message is understandable and well-meant - but it is just a racial slogan and should perhaps be modified. The only one in the room that seems to bother is me though, and so the audience celebrates the grandiose appearance of the band. The covers between the old and new songs also bring the last one out of his corner and make him singing along. From the security water is distributed in the front rows and at some point everyone is wet with sweat, beer or water and the band leaves the stage. A really great concert, a huge party and not only musically it was as varied as usual. The change between melodic Rock numbers and Punk moments, a content balance of cheerful good-humour pieces, intelligent songs about love, friendship and family and songs with serious message is fantastic. We cannot wait for the next concert.

Setlist (without the cover songs)
01. Wenn es einfach passiert
02. Sirenen
03. Mein Herz bleibt hier
04. Rückenwind
05. Nachtbaden
06. Kein Mann für eine Nacht
07. Sommerferien
08. Du schreibst Geschichte
09. Mein erstes Lied
10. So cool bist du nicht
11. Kompass
12. Irgendwo auf der Welt
13. Ich tanze mit mir allein
14. Die Perfektion
15. Leuchttürme
16. Keiner
17. Lass die Musik an
Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: 9
Total: 8.8 / 10

All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)