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devildriver27Gruenspan, Hamburg, Germany
17th April 2014
DevilDriver & Sylosis

For their last show in Germany, DEVILDRIVER had chosen the Gruenspan in Hamburg. The guys from Santa Barbara, California, released their new and sixth album, ‘Winter Kills’, already in August 2013 and were now finally playing a show for their German head bangers. Actually, DEVILDRIVER brought along two bands for support. But unfortunately, BLEED FROM WITHIN could not perform this night because of an car accident on the road. So SYLOSIS were the only opener.


One men's misfortune is another men's luck: because they were the only opening act, SYLOSIS also got more time to play a longer show. To many people of the audience the band must been known, because they immediately reciprocated the greeting of band as they entered the stage and hold their fists up high. The four British men got the crowd with nine songs into the right mood. Singer and lead guitarist Josh Middleton wished right for the beginning wall of deaths and circle pits, which the audience perfectly fulfilled. He and his three guys Alex Bailey (guitars), Carl Parnell (bass) and Robert David Callard (drums) could hold the joy to bang along always high with their mix of Thrash and Melodic Death Metal. For the main act, it was the right choice. /


Music: 8
Performance: 5
Sound: 6
Light: 4
Total: 5.8 / 10

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For fourteen years now, DEVILDRIVER are in the business and are a fixed size in the world of Death and Thrash Metal. Consisting of singer Bradley James “Dez“ Fafara, two guitarists Mike Spreitzer and Jeff Kendrick, Chris Towning for bass and John Boecklin on the drums, the guys from the US are touring in Europe. The last album ‘Winter Kills’ collected many good criticism and now DEVILDRIVER wanted to show the German fans, that they are on the stage as well as on the long-player and that all the criticism were real. /


Music & Performance
When DEVILDRIVER entered the stage, the party immediately got started with ‘Head on to Heartache’ from the same named EP from 2008. Right after the song, frontman Dez Fafara screamed "Open the fucking pit!" That means, for the rest of the concert you only got two choices: be in the pit all the time, because it would last until the very end, or get on side and watch the whole spectacle from this point of view. The first four songs went through in a sweeping, it was always sound and action from the stage. Only when the first round was finished, DEVILDRIVER made a little music break with a multiple "Fuck yeah" from Fafara. Unfortunately, it was not always understandable, what Fafara was talking about, because the sound of the microphone was not the very best. When he started singing, his varied voice made up everything. It was easily to see that he was in a really good mood, because he grinned just all the time, especially when the crowd moshed along.


To get back to his microphone, because it was a real cool eye catcher. It was one of the old-fashioned ones, with blue and green LED-lamps inside it. For the next round, Fafara animated the fans for some more walls of death. When one of their well-known songs, ‘I could care less’, came along, the energy of band and fans get another new kick. The very powerful ‘Sail’ was also performed with so much energy and emotion, that you just wanted to get more of all of this. Another highlight was ‘Clouds over California’, also one of the greatest songs by DEVILDRIVER. Fafara announced very detailled that everyone, who is the first time at the show, now has the chance to see which power DEVILDRIVER still has left after one hour of pure Metal. Sadly, it only took two more songs until the concert was over.


It was a pleasure to watch how Fafara happily rocked the stage and was beating all the energy out of the fans in the mosh pit. What a luck that the next day was the Good Friday in Germany, so everyone could sleep as long as they wanted and needed, to rock the next show like this powerful one.

01. Head on to Heartache (Let Them Rot)
02. Hold Back the Day
03. Not All Who Wander Are Lost
04. Before the Hangman's Noose
05. Oath of the Abyss
06. I Could Care Less
07. The Appetite
08. Sail
09. Dead to Rights
10. Clouds Over California
11. Ruthless
12. Meet the Wretched

Music: 9
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: 8
Total: 8 / 10

Full Gallery
  • devildriver01
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All Pictures by Jan Termath (